Erin Robartes
Erin Robartes
Virginia Transportation Research Council
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Cited by
The effect of crash characteristics on cyclist injuries: An analysis of Virginia automobile-bicycle crash data
E Robartes, TD Chen
Accident Analysis & Prevention 104, 165-173, 2017
Psycho-physiological measures on a bicycle simulator in immersive virtual environments: how protected/curbside bike lanes may improve perceived safety
X Guo, A Tavakoli, A Angulo, E Robartes, TD Chen, A Heydarian
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 92, 317-336, 2023
Orclsim: A system architecture for studying bicyclist and pedestrian physiological behavior through immersive virtual environments
X Guo, A Angulo, E Robartes, TD Chen, A Heydarian
Journal of advanced transportation 2022 (1), 2750369, 2022
Crash histories, safety perceptions, and attitudes among Virginia bicyclists
E Robartes, TD Chen
Journal of safety research 67, 189-196, 2018
Assessment of local, state, and federal barriers to implementing bicycle infrastructure: A Virginia case study
E Robartes, E Chen, TD Chen, PB Ohlms
Case Studies on Transport Policy 9 (2), 488-496, 2021
Demonstration of virtual reality simulation as a tool for understanding and evaluating pedestrian safety and perception at midblock crossings
AV Angulo, E Robartes, X Guo, TD Chen, A Heydarian, BL Smith
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 20, 100844, 2023
Benchmarking the use of immersive virtual bike simulators for understanding cyclist behaviors
X Guo, E Robartes, A Angulo, TD Chen, A Heydarian
Computing in Civil Engineering 2021, 1319-1326, 2021
Rethinking infrastructure design: evaluating pedestrians and VRUs’ psychophysiological and behavioral responses to different roadway designs
X Guo, A Angulo, A Tavakoli, E Robartes, TD Chen, A Heydarian
Scientific reports 13 (1), 4278, 2023
Feasibility of Battery Electric Pickup Trucks in a State Department of Transportation Fleet
NJ Goodall, E Robartes
Transportation Research Record 2678 (1), 760-769, 2024
Roadway Design Matters: Variation in Bicyclists' Psycho-Physiological Responses in Different Urban Roadway Designs
X Guo, A Tavakoli, E Robartes, A Angulo, TD Chen, A Heydarian
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.13468, 2022
Evaluating current and future pedestrian mid-block crossing safety treatments using virtual reality simulation
AV Angulo, E Robartes, X Guo, TD Chen, A Heydarian, BL Smith
Accident Analysis & Prevention 206, 107715, 2024
Validation of a virtual reality simulator with real-world observations for pedestrian safety at midblock crossings
A Angulo, E Robartes, X Guo, TD Chen, A Heydarian, B Smith
Available at SSRN 4055270, 2022
Examining socioeconomic and physiological factors affecting preferences for cycling infrastructure using virtual reality experimentation
A Saglio, E Robartes, TD Chen, A Heydarian, X Guo, AV Angulo
Transportation research record 2677 (12), 463-478, 2023
Virginia automobile and bicycle crash safety analysis
E Robartes, TD Chen
Transportation Research Board 96th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2017
Evaluation of the Operational and Safety Effects of a Variable Speed Limit System in Virginia
HW Cho, E Robartes, M Fontaine
Transportation Research Record, 03611981241246268, 2024
Bicycle and Automobile Safety Perception Analysis
E Robartes, TD Chen
The 6th International Cycling Safety Conference, 2017
Virginia Bicycle Data: Automobile and Bicycle Crash Safety Analysis and Virginia Attitudinal Safety Survey
EM Robartes
University of Virginia, 2017
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
AV Angulo, E Robartes, X Guo, TD Chen, A Heydarian, BL Smith
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Articles 1–18