Chad C. Williams
Chad C. Williams
Brown University
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Cited by
Choosing MUSE: Validation of a low-cost, portable EEG system for ERP research
OE Krigolson, CC Williams, A Norton, CD Hassall, FL Colino
Frontiers in neuroscience 11, 109, 2017
Thinking theta and alpha: Mechanisms of intuitive and analytical reasoning
CC Williams, M Kappen, CD Hassall, B Wright, OE Krigolson
NeuroImage 189, 574-580, 2019
The ERP, frequency, and time–frequency correlates of feedback processing: Insights from a large sample study
CC Williams, TD Ferguson, CD Hassall, W Abimbola, OE Krigolson
Psychophysiology 58 (2), e13722, 2021
Using portable EEG to assess human visual attention
OE Krigolson, CC Williams, FL Colino
Augmented Cognition. Neurocognition and Machine Learning: 11th International …, 2017
Electroencephalography correlates of transcranial direct-current stimulation enhanced surgical skill learning: a replication and extension study
P Ciechanski, A Kirton, B Wilson, CC Williams, SJ Anderson, A Cheng, ...
Brain Research 1725, 146445, 2019
When theory and biology differ: The relationship between reward prediction errors and expectancy
CC Williams, CD Hassall, R Trska, CB Holroyd, OE Krigolson
Biological psychology 129, 265-272, 2017
The application of reward learning in the real world: Changes in the reward positivity amplitude reflect learning in a medical education context
CC Williams, KG Hecker, MK Paget, SP Coderre, KW Burak, B Wright, ...
International Journal of Psychophysiology 132, 236-242, 2018
Alcohol hangover impacts learning and reward processing within the medial‐frontal cortex
AD Howse, CD Hassall, CC Williams, G Hajcak, OE Krigolson
Psychophysiology 55 (8), e13081, 2018
Chasing the zone: Reduced beta power predicts baseball batting performance
A Pluta, CC Williams, G Binsted, KG Hecker, OE Krigolson
Neuroscience letters 686, 150-154, 2018
The scarcity heuristic impacts reward processing within the medial-frontal cortex
CC Williams, BY Saffer, RB McCulloch, OE Krigolson
NeuroReport 27 (7), 522-526, 2016
Reward Prediction Errors Reflect an Underlying Learning Process That Parallels Behavioural Adaptations: A Trial-to-Trial Analysis
CC Williams, CD Hassall, T Lindenbach, OE Krigolson
Computational Brain & Behavior 3, 189-199, 2020
Using EEG to decode semantics during an artificial language learning task
C Foster, CC Williams, OE Krigolson, A Fyshe
Brain and Behavior 11 (8), e2234, 2021
Dissociated neural signals of conflict and surprise in effortful decision Making: Theta activity reflects surprise while alpha and beta activity reflect conflict
CC Williams, TD Ferguson, CD Hassall, B Wright, OE Krigolson
Neuropsychologia 155, 107793, 2021
Passively learned spatial navigation cues evoke reinforcement learning reward signals
TD Ferguson, CC Williams, RW Skelton, OE Krigolson
Cognition 189, 65-75, 2019
An evaluation of experimental sampling strategies for autonomous empirical research in cognitive science
S Musslick, JTS Hewson, BW Andrew, Y Strittmatter, CC Williams, ...
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the cognitive science society 45 (45), 2023
Bayesian Machine Scientist for Model Discovery in Psychology
JTS Hewson, Y Strittmatter, I Marinescu, CC Williams, S Musslick
NeurIPS 2023 AI for Science Workshop, 2023
What happens when right means wrong? The impact of conflict arising from competing feedback responses
MR Hammerstrom, TD Ferguson, CC Williams, OE Krigolson
Brain Research 1761, 147393, 2021
Augmenting EEG with generative adversarial networks enhances brain decoding across classifiers and sample sizes
CC Williams, D Weinhardt, M Wirzberger, S Musslick
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 45 (45), 2023
The impact of wellness on neural learning systems
FL Colino, CC Williams, CD Hassall, G Binsted, OE Krigolson
Neuroscience Letters 714, 134537, 2020
The Role of the Amygdala in Value-Based Learning
CD Hassall, CC Williams
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (28), 6601-6602, 2017
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