Tor-Erik Bakke
Tor-Erik Bakke
University of Illinois at Chicago
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Which firms follow the market? An analysis of corporate investment decisions
TE Bakke, TM Whited
The Review of Financial Studies 23 (5), 1941-1980, 2010
The causal effect of option pay on corporate risk management
TE Bakke, H Mahmudi, CS Fernando, JM Salas
Journal of Financial Economics 120 (3), 623-643, 2016
Threshold events and identification: A study of cash shortfalls
TE Bakke, TM Whited
The Journal of Finance 67 (3), 1083-1111, 2012
Diversification and cash dynamics
TE Bakke, T Gu
Journal of Financial Economics 123 (3), 580-601, 2017
The real effects of delisting: Evidence from a regression discontinuity design
TE Bakke, CE Jens, TM Whited
Finance Research Letters 9 (4), 183-193, 2012
Performance peer groups in CEO compensation contracts
TE Bakke, H Mahmudi, A Newton
Financial Management 49 (4), 997-1027, 2020
Foreign competition and CEO risk-incentive compensation
TE Bakke, FZ Feng, H Mahmudi, CH Zhu
Journal of Corporate Finance 76, 102241, 2022
Director networks and firm value
TE Bakke, JR Black, H Mahmudi, SC Linn
Journal of Corporate Finance 85, 102545, 2024
Do clawbacks have claws? The value implications of mandatory clawback provisions
T Bakke, H Mahmudi, A Virani
Working Paper, University of Oklahoma, 2016
What Gives? A Study of Firms' Reactions to Cash Shortfalls
TE Bakke, TM Whited
A Study of Firms' Reactions to Cash Shortfalls (January 9, 2009). EFA, 2009
Which firms follow the market
TE Bakke, TM Whited
An analysis of corporate investment decisions, USC FBE Finance Seminar, 2008
Does independent advice to the board affect CEO compensation?
TE Bakke, H Mahmudi
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 56 (2), 693-744, 2021
The causal effect of option pay on corporate risk management: Evidence from the oil and gas industry
T Bakke, H Mahmudi, CS Fernando, JM Salas
Unpublished working paper, 2013
Natural experiments in corporate investments and financing
TE Bakke
University of Wisconsin--Madison, 2009
The impact of a principles-based approach to director gender diversity policy
TE Bakke, L Field, H Mahmudi, A Virani
Working Paper (Available at: SSRN link), 2022
The real effects of market liquidity: Causal evidence from delisting
TE Bakke, T Whited
Unpublished working paper, 2010
How does finance affect growth? Evidence from a natural experiment in Venezuela
TE Bakke
Working paper, 2009
Does Corporate Political Spending Advance Shareholder Interests? Evidence from Clawback Regulation
TE Bakke, H Mahmudi, A Virani
Evidence from Clawback Regulation (July 17, 2024), 2024
Growth-Promoting Bonuses and Mergers and Acquisitions
TE Bakke, M Kronlund, H Mahmudi, A Virani
European Corporate Governance Institute–Finance Working Paper, 2023
Politicization of the Supreme Court and Firm Value: Evidence from Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Death
TE Bakke, H Mahmudi, A Virani, S Zhang
Available at SSRN, 2023
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Articles 1–20