Ryad Titah
Ryad Titah
Full Professor, HEC Montréal.
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Information system use–related activity: an expanded behavioral conceptualization of individual-level information system use
H Barki, R Titah, C Boffo
Information Systems Research 18 (2), 173-192, 2007
Differential effects of provider recommendations and consumer reviews in e-commerce transactions: An experimental study
A Benlian, R Titah, T Hess
Journal of Management Information Systems 29 (1), 237-272, 2012
E-government adoption and acceptance: A literature review
R Titah, H Barki
International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR) 2 (3), 23-57, 2006
Nonlinearities between attitude and subjective norms in information technology acceptance: a negative synergy?
R Titah, H Barki
Mis Quarterly, 827-844, 2009
A systematic literature review of empirical research on the impacts of e‐government: a public value perspective
D MacLean, R Titah
Public Administration Review 82 (1), 23-38, 2022
Explicit and implicit antecedents of users' behavioral beliefs in information systems: A neuropsychological investigation
AO de Guinea, R Titah, PM Léger
Journal of Management Information Systems 30 (4), 179-210, 2014
Precision is in the eye of the beholder: Application of eye fixation-related potentials to information systems research
PM Léger, S Sénecal, F Courtemanche, AO de Guinea, R Titah, ...
Association for Information Systems, 2014
Measure for measure: A two study multi-trait multi-method investigation of construct validity in IS research
AO de Guinea, R Titah, PM Léger
Computers in Human Behavior 29 (3), 833-844, 2013
Conceptualizing citizen participation in open data use at the city level
J Hivon, R Titah
Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy 11 (1), 99-118, 2017
Combining social shaping of technology and communicative action theory for understanding rhetorical closure in IT
M Pozzebon, R Titah, A Pinsonneault
Information Technology & People 19 (3), 244-271, 2006
The live teaching case: a new IS method and its application
AF Cameron, MC Trudel, R Titah, PM Léger
Journal of Information Technology Education: Research 11 (1), 27-42, 2012
Explicit and implicit antecedents of users’ behavioral beliefs in information systems: A neuropsychological investigation
A Ortiz de Guinea, R Titah, PM Léger
Journal of Management Information Systems 30 (4), 179-210, 2014
Integration breach: Investigating the effect of internal and external information sharing and coordination on firm profit
R Titah, S Shuraida, Y Rekik
International Journal of Production Economics 181, 34-47, 2016
Measuring the service quality of governmental sites: Development and validation of the e-Government service quality (EGSQUAL) scale
M Aljukhadar, JF Belisle, DC Dantas, S Sénécal, R Titah
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 55, 101182, 2022
Implementation and impacts of IT Service Management in the IT function
D MacLean, R Titah
International Journal of Information Management 70, 102628, 2023
Provider-vs. user-generated recommendations on e-commerce websites–comparing cognitive, affective and relational effects
A Benlian, R Titah, T Hess
Information technology and performance: Integrating data envelopment analysis and configurational approach
J Liu, Y Gong, J Zhu, R Titah
Journal of the Operational Research Society 73 (6), 1278-1293, 2022
Understanding the relationship between IT capabilities and operational agility: a multi-method approach
H Mao, Y Gong, R Titah
Journal of Enterprise Information Management 36 (2), 409-436, 2023
Neurophysiological correlates of information systems commonly used self-reported measures: a multitrait multimethod study
AO de Guinea, R Titah, PM Léger, T Micheneau
2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 562-571, 2012
Is big data used by cities? Understanding the nature and antecedents of big data use by municipalities
H Ali, R Titah
Government Information Quarterly 38 (4), 101600, 2021
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Articles 1–20