Nitin Deckha, PhD, MCATD, CTDP
Nitin Deckha, PhD, MCATD, CTDP
Other namesNityanand Deckha
Liberal Studies, University of Guelph-Humber
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Cited by
Cited by
Insurgent urbanism in a railway quarter: Scalar citizenship at King’s Cross, London
N Deckha
ACME: an international journal for critical geographies 2 (1), 33-56, 2003
Beyond the country house: Historic conservation as aesthetic politics
N Deckha
European Journal of Cultural Studies 7 (4), 403-423, 2004
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Human Skills, And Online Learning: Notes From The Higher Educational Experiences Of Police Officers
N Deckha
International Journal on Innovations in Online Education 4 (4), 2020
From artist-as-hero to the creative young man: Bollywood and the aestheticization of Indian masculinity
N Deckha
Once Upon a Time in Bollywood: The Global Swing in Hindi Cinema, Toronto …, 2007
Repackaging the inner city: Historic preservation, community development and the emergent cultural quarter in London
N Deckha
Rice University, 2000
A program of their own: The design and evolution of an undergraduate degree program for police officers in Ontario
N Deckha
Canadian Journal of Higher Education 50 (3), 1-13, 2020
Historic preservation and the cultural politics of the American downtown
N Deckha
City & Society 11 (1‐2), 193-200, 1999
How a university program created for the Toronto Police Service encountered the dilemma of groupthink
N Deckha
International Journal of Case Method Research and Application 31 (1), 18-23, 2019
Passion in a Climate of Austerity: Young Men’s Perceptions of Education and Career Success in a Polarized Economy
N Deckha
The Journal of Men’s Studies 29 (1), 50-72, 2021
Book Review of"# Follow the Leader: Lessons in Social Media Success from# HigherEd CEOs"
N Deckha
Canadian journal of higher education 46 (1), 182-184, 2016
Piece of Cake
N Deckha
South Asian Review 28 (3), 59-69, 2007
The Ethics of Affect: The Public Politics of Intimacy in the Bloomsbury Group and Sammy and Rosie Get Laid
N Deckha
The Ethics of Kinship: Ethnographic Inquiries 1, 153, 2001
Visualized others: Interrogating images of alterity.
N Deckha
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Articles 1–13