Andrea Ferri
Cited by
Cited by
Body fat influences departure from stopover sites in migratory birds: evidence from whole-island telemetry
W Goymann, F Spina, A Ferri, L Fusani
Biology letters 6 (4), 478-481, 2010
Flexible tuning of departure decisions in response to weather in black redstarts Phoenicurus ochruros migrating across the Mediterranean Sea
M Morganti, U Mellone, G Bogliani, N Saino, A Ferri, F Spina, D Rubolini
Journal of Avian Biology 42 (4), 323-334, 2011
Differential migration and body condition in Northern Wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe) at a Mediterranean spring stopover site
I Maggini, F Spina, CC Voigt, A Ferri, F Bairlein
Journal of Ornithology 154, 321-328, 2013
Direct and indirect role of migratory birds in spreading CCHFV and WNV: a multidisciplinary study on three stop-over islands in Italy
E Mancuso, L Toma, I Pascucci, SG d’Alessio, V Marini, M Quaglia, ...
Pathogens 11 (9), 1056, 2022
Pollen couriers across the Mediterranean: the case of migrating warblers
JG Cecere, L Cornara, S Mezzetta, A Ferri, F Spina, L Boitani
Ardea 99 (1), 33-42, 2011
Comparing population trend estimates of migratory birds from breeding censuses and capture data at a spring migration bottleneck
I Maggini, M Cardinale, A Favaretto, P Voříšek, F Spina, F Maoret, A Ferri, ...
Ecology and Evolution 11 (2), 967-977, 2021
What are we dealing with? An explicit test reveals different levels of taxonomical diagnosability in the Sylvia cantillans species complex
M Brambilla, S Vitulano, A Ferri, F Spina, E Fabbri, E Randi
Journal of Ornithology 151, 309-315, 2010
Tracking data highlight the importance of human-induced mortality for large migratory birds at a flyway scale
J Serratosa, S Oppel, S Rotics, A Santangeli, SHM Butchart, ...
Biological Conservation 293, 110525, 2024
An unexpected pattern of migration revealed in the Subalpine Warbler Sylvia cantillans complex by mitochondrial DNA analyses
M Brambilla, S Vitulano, A Ferri, F Spina, E Fabbri, E Randi
Ibis 154 (3), 616-620, 2012
The need for a flyway approach in defining the onset of prenuptial migration of huntable bird species across Europe
A Andreotti, A Aradis, G Assandri, G Bazzi, JG Cecere, A Ferri, S Imperio, ...
Ibis 165 (4), 1447-1453, 2023
Tick Species Diversity and Molecular Identification of Spotted Fever Group Rickettsiae Collected from Migratory Birds Arriving from Africa
E Mancuso, M Di Domenico, L Di Gialleonardo, M Menegon, L Toma, ...
Microorganisms 11 (8), 2036, 2023
Atlante della distribuzione geografica e stagionale degli uccelli inanellati in Lombardia negli anni 1982-2001
A Ferri, F Spina
Istituto Nazionale per la Fauna Selvatica “A. Ghigi”, Ozzano Emilia, Italy, 2006
Conservation measures implemented in Italy within the ongoing LIFE Egyptian Vulture project-LIFE16 NAT/IT/000659.
G Ceccolini, A Cenerini, A Andreotti, A Aradis, A Ferri, M Francione, ...
Vulture News 83 (1), 2023
Estimating the number of non-breeding individuals to assess the viability of the small Egyptian Vulture population breeding on mainland Italy.
A Andreotti, A Aradis, G Ceccolini, A Cenerini, A Ferri, P Storino
Vulture News 83, 2022
What are we dealing with? An explicit test reveals different levels of taxonomical diagnosability in the species complex
M Brambilla, S Vitulano, A Ferri, F Spina, E Fabbri, E Randi
Springer-Verlag, 2011
A unique record of a colour-flagged Little Stint in the East Asian–Australasian Flyway
T Alerstam, M Engelmoer, CS Roselaar, J Del Hoyo, A Elliott, J Sargatal, ...
Wader Study Group Bulletin 116, 3, 2009
Dinamiche di sosta del codirosso spazzacamino, Phoenicurus ochruros, in un’isola del Mediterraneo centrale durante le migrazioni primaverile e autunnale: influenza dei fattori …
M Morganti, U Mellone, G Bogliani, A Ferri, F Spina, N Saino, D Rubolini
Migrazione differenziale primaverile in base al sesso in specie monocromatiche di Passeriformi migratori trans-sahariani
A Mazzoleni, A Ferri, R Martinelli, D Rubolini, F Spina, N Saino
Dinamiche di sosta del Codirosso spazzacamino (Phoenicurus ochruros) in un’isola del Mediterraneo durante la migrazione primaverile ed autunnale
M Morganti, U Mellone, D Rubolini, G Bogliani, F Spina, A Ferri
Gameiro, JF, 373 Garoli, D., 35
M De Becker, A Decourchelle, R Della Ceca, E Dell’Orto, D de Martino, ...
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Articles 1–20