Aleksandra M. Mloszewska
Aleksandra M. Mloszewska
NRCan-Geological Survey of Canada
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Cited by
The composition of Earth's oldest iron formations: the Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt (Québec, Canada)
AM Mloszewska, E Pecoits, NL Cates, SJ Mojzsis, J O'Neil, LJ Robbins, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 317, 331-342, 2012
Modulation of oxygen production in Archaean oceans by episodes of Fe(II) toxicity
ED Swanner, AM Mloszewska, OA Cirpka, R Schoenberg, KO Konhauser, ...
Nature Geoscience 8 (2), 126-130, 2015
Authigenic iron oxide proxies for marine zinc over geological time and implications for eukaryotic metallome evolution
LJ Robbins, SV Lalonde, MA Saito, NJ Planavsky, AM Mloszewska, ...
Geobiology 11 (4), 295-306, 2013
UV radiation limited the expansion of cyanobacteria in early marine photic environments
AM Mloszewska, DB Cole, NJ Planavsky, A Kappler, DS Whitford, ...
Nature Communications 9 (1), 1-8, 2018
Microbe-clay interactions as a mechanism for the preservation of organic matter and trace metal biosignatures in black shales
T Playter, K Konhauser, G Owttrim, C Hodgson, T Warchola, ...
Chemical Geology 459, 75-90, 2017
Cell surface reactivity of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002: Implications for metal sorption from seawater
Y Liu, DS Alessi, GW Owttrim, DA Petrash, AM Mloszewska, SV Lalonde, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 169, 30-44, 2015
Chemical sedimentary protoliths in the> 3.75 Ga Nuvvuagittuq supracrustal belt (Quebec, Canada)
AM Mloszewska, SJ Mojzsis, E Pecoits, D Papineau, N Dauphas, ...
Gondwana Research 23 (2), 574-594, 2013
The fast and the frugal: Divergent locomotory strategies drive limb lengthening in theropod dinosaurs
TA Dececchi, AM Mloszewska, TR Holtz Jr, MB Habib, HCE Larsson
PLoS One 15 (5), e0223698, 2020
A comparison of bulk versus laser ablation trace element analyses in banded iron formations: Insights into the mechanisms leading to compositional variability
LJ Robbins, KO Konhauser, TJ Warchola, M Homann, M Thoby, I Foster, ...
Chemical Geology 506, 197-224, 2019
Modulation of oxygen production in Archaean oceans by episodes of Fe (II) toxicity, Nat. Geosci., 8, 126–130
ED Swanner, AM Mloszewska, OA Cirpka, R Schoenberg, KO Konhauser, ...
Banded iron formation
AM Mloszewska, R Haugaard, E Pecoits, KO Konhauser
Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, 305-317, 2023
Silica saved our earliest marine cyanobacteria
A Mloszewska, G Owttrim, D Whitford, S Lalonde, A Kappler, K Konhauser
Geochemistry Conf, 16-21, 2015
Determination of the Settling Rate of Clay/Cyanobacterial Floccules
T Playter, K Konhauser, GW Owttrim, DS Whitford, T Warchola, ...
Journal of Visualized Experiments: JoVE, 57176, 2018
Geochemistry of> 3.8 Ga banded iron formations (Isua Supracrustal Belt, Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt): implications for the chemistry of Earth's earliest oceans
AM Mloszewska, KO Konhauser
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Articles 1–14