Damien Palacio
Damien Palacio
Postdoc, Phd.D in Computer Science, Zurich University
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On the evaluation of geographic information retrieval systems: Evaluation framework and case study
D Palacio, G Cabanac, C Sallaberry, G Hubert
International Journal on Digital Libraries 11, 91-109, 2010
Fuzzying GIS topological functions for GIR needs
C Sallaberry, M Gaio, D Palacio, J Lesbegueries
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, 1-8, 2008
Measuring effectiveness of geographic ir systems in digital libraries: Evaluation framework and case study
D Palacio, G Cabanac, C Sallaberry, G Hubert
International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, 340-351, 2010
Development and evaluation of a geographic information retrieval system using fine grained toponyms
D Palacio, C Derungs, R Purves
Journal of Spatial Information Science, 1-29, 2015
Normalizing Spatial Information to Improve Geographical Information Indexing and Retrieval in Digital Libraries
D Palacio, C Sallaberry, M Gaio
Advances in Spatial Data Handling and GIS, 65-78, 2012
Query operators shown beneficial for improving search results
G Hubert, G Cabanac, C Sallaberry, D Palacio
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: International …, 2011
Resolving fine granularity toponyms: Evaluation of a disambiguation approach
C Derungs, D Palacio, RS Purves
GIScience’12: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Geographic …, 2012
Normalizing Spatial Information to Better Combine Criteria in Geographical Information Retrieval
D Palacio, C Sallaberry, M Gaio
ECIR-GIIW’09: Proceeding of the International Workshop on Geographic …, 2009
Combinaison de critères par contraintes pour la Recherche d'Information Géographique
D Palacio
Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, 2010
Do expressive geographic queries lead to improvement in retrieval effectiveness?
D Palacio, C Sallaberry, G Cabanac, G Hubert, M Gaio
Bridging the Geographic Information Sciences: International AGILE'2012 …, 2012
Cadre d'évaluation de systèmes de recherche d'information géographique Apport de la combinaison des dimensions spatiale, temporelle et thématique
D Palacio, G Cabanac, C Sallaberry, G Hubert
INFORSID’10 : 28e congrès de l’INFormatique des Organisations et Systèmes d …, 2010
IRIT, GeoComp, and LIUPPA at the TREC 2013 contextual suggestion track
G Hubert, G Cabanac, K Pinel-Sauvagnat, D Palacio, C Sallaberry
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 2013
Prototyping a personalized contextual retrieval framework
D Palacio, G Cabanac, G Hubert, K Pinel-Sauvagnat, C Sallaberry
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, 43-44, 2013
Évaluation de la pertinence des résultats en recherche d'information géographique
G Cabanac, P Damien, S Christian, H Gilles
Document numérique 14 (2), 169-191, 2011
Cadre d'évaluation de systèmes de reconnaissance d'entités nommées spatiales
D Palacio, C Sallaberry, G Cabanac, G Hubert
INFORSID (actes électroniques), 2016
Creating test collections from user generated content for GIR evaluation
D Palacio, C Derungs, R Purves
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, 82-83, 2013
Indexation spatiale et temporelle baséee sur un principe de'tuilage': contribution à la recherche d'information géographique dans des documents textuels faiblement structurés
C Sallaberry, D Palacio, M Gaio
CORIA’11 : huitième édition de la COnférence en Recherche d’Information et …, 2011
Using User Generated Content for Evaluation in Geographic Information Retrieval
D Palacio, C Derungs, R Purves
Journal of Spatial Information Science, 2015
Georeferencing images using tags: application with Flickr
T Wider, D Palacio, RS Purves
AGILE’13: Proceedings of the 16th AGILE International Conference on …, 2013
Generalize geographic information to combine IR results
D Palacio, C Sallaberry, M Gaio
AGILE’11: Proceedings of the 14th AGILE International Conference on …, 2011
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Articles 1–20