Paul L. Gribble
Paul L. Gribble
Western University, Canada
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Role of cocontraction in arm movement accuracy
PL Gribble, LI Mullin, N Cothros, A Mattar
Journal of Neurophysiology 89 (5), 2396-2405, 2003
Motor learning by observing
AAG Mattar, PL Gribble
Neuron 46 (1), 153-160, 2005
Temporal constraints on the McGurk effect
KG Munhall, P Gribble, L Sacco, M Ward
Perception & psychophysics 58, 351-362, 1996
Are complex control signals required for human arm movement?
PL Gribble, DJ Ostry, V Sanguineti, R Laboissière
Journal of Neurophysiology 79 (3), 1409, 1998
Compensation for interaction torques during single-and multijoint limb movement
PL Gribble, DJ Ostry
Journal of Neurophysiology 82 (5), 2310, 1999
Somatosensory plasticity and motor learning
DJ Ostry, M Darainy, AAG Mattar, J Wong, PL Gribble
The Journal of Neuroscience 30 (15), 5384, 2010
Sensory plasticity in human motor learning
DJ Ostry, PL Gribble
Trends in neurosciences 39 (2), 114-123, 2016
Independent coactivation of shoulder and elbow muscles
PL Gribble, DJ Ostry
Experimental brain research 123 (3), 355-360, 1998
Dissociation between hand motion and population vectors from neural activity in motor cortex
SH Scott, PL Gribble, KM Graham, DW Cabel
Nature 413 (6852), 161-164, 2001
Can proprioceptive training improve motor learning?
JD Wong, DA Kistemaker, A Chin, PL Gribble
Journal of neurophysiology 108 (12), 3313-3321, 2012
Origins of the power law relation between movement velocity and curvature: modeling the effects of muscle mechanics and limb dynamics
PL Gribble, DJ Ostry
Journal of Neurophysiology 76 (5), 2853-2860, 1996
Overlap of internal models in motor cortex for mechanical loads during reaching
PL Gribble, SH Scott
Nature 417 (6892), 938-941, 2002
Control of position and movement is simplified by combined muscle spindle and Golgi tendon organ feedback
DA Kistemaker, AJ van Soest, JD Wong, I Kurtzer, PL Gribble
Journal of Neurophysiology 109 (4), 1126-39, 2012
Compensation for loads during arm movements using equilibrium-point control
PL Gribble, DJ Ostry
Experimental Brain Research 135 (4), 474-482, 2000
Relationship between cocontraction, movement kinematics and phasic muscle activity in single-joint arm movement
M Suzuki, DM Shiller, PL Gribble, DJ Ostry
Experimental brain research 140 (2), 171-181, 2001
Hand-eye coordination for rapid pointing movements
PL Gribble, S Everling, K Ford, A Mattar
Experimental brain research 145 (3), 372-382, 2002
Mapping proprioception across a 2D horizontal workspace
ET Wilson, J Wong, PL Gribble
PloS one 5 (7), e11851, 2010
Recent tests of the equilibrium-point hypothesis (lambda model).
AG Feldman, DJ Ostry, MF Levin, PL Gribble, AB Mitnitski
Motor Control 2 (3), 189, 1998
Are there distinct neural representations of object and limb dynamics?
N Cothros, JD Wong, PL Gribble
Experimental brain research 173 (4), 689-697, 2006
Learning to control arm stiffness under static conditions
M Darainy, N Malfait, PL Gribble, F Towhidkhah, DJ Ostry
Journal of neurophysiology 92 (6), 3344, 2004
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Articles 1–20