Sandra Jarvis-Selinger
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Cited by
Collaboration and self-regulation in teachers’ professional development
DL Butler, HN Lauscher, S Jarvis-Selinger, B Beckingham
Teaching and teacher education 20 (5), 435-455, 2004
Competency is not enough: integrating identity formation into the medical education discourse
S Jarvis-Selinger, DD Pratt, G Regehr
Academic medicine 87 (9), 1185-1190, 2012
Making interprofessional education work: the strategic roles of the academy
K Ho, S Jarvis-Selinger, F Borduas, B Frank, P Hall, R Handfield-Jones, ...
Academic Medicine 83 (10), 934-940, 2008
Facilitating interpersonal interaction and learning online: Linking theory and practice
J Sargeant, V Curran, M Allen, S Jarvis-Selinger, K Ho
Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 26 (2), 128-136, 2006
Clinical telehealth across the disciplines: lessons learned
S Jarvis-Selinger, E Chan, R Payne, K Plohman, K Ho
Telemedicine and e-Health 14 (7), 720-725, 2008
What the teaching perspectives of cooperating teachers tell us about their advisory practices
A Clarke, S Jarvis-Selinger
Teaching and teacher education 21 (1), 65-78, 2005
Development and use of the Teaching Perspectives Inventory (TPI)
DD Pratt, JB Collins, SJ Selinger
annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle …, 2001
Can interprofessional collaboration provide health human resources solutions? A knowledge synthesis
E Suter, S Deutschlander, G Mickelson, Z Nurani, J Lait, L Harrison, ...
Journal of interprofessional care 26 (4), 261-268, 2012
Interactive on‐line continuing medical education: Physicians' perceptions and experiences
J Sargeant, V Curran, S Jarvis‐Selinger, S Ferrier, M Allen, F Kirby, K Ho
Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 24 (4), 227-236, 2004
Electronic communities of practice: guidelines from a project
K Ho, S Jarvis-Selinger, CD Norman, LC Li, T Olatunbosun, C Cressman, ...
Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 30 (2), 139-143, 2010
Understanding professional identity formation in early clerkship: a novel framework
S Jarvis-Selinger, KA MacNeil, GRL Costello, K Lee, CL Holmes
Academic medicine 94 (10), 1574-1580, 2019
Residency choices by graduating medical students: why not pathology?
T Hung, S Jarvis-Selinger, JC Ford
Human pathology 42 (6), 802-807, 2011
How do perspectives on teaching vary across disciplinary majors for students enrolled in teacher preparation
JB Collins, SJ Selinger, DD Pratt
Do academic origins influence perspectives on teaching?
S Jarvis-Selinger, JB Collins, DD Pratt
Teacher Education Quarterly 34 (3), 67-81, 2007
Discourse analysis of computer‐mediated conferencing in World Wide Web‐based continuing medical education
V Curran, F Kirby, E Parsons, J Lockyer
Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 23 (4), 229-238, 2003
Journeys toward becoming a teacher: Charting the course of professional development
S Jarvis-Selinger, DD Pratt, JB Collins
Teacher Education Quarterly 37 (2), 69-95, 2010
Social accountability in action: University-community collaboration in the development of an interprofessional Aboriginal health elective
S Jarvis-Selinger, K Ho, H Novak Lauscher, Y Liman, E Stacy, R Woollard, ...
Journal of Interprofessional Care 22 (sup1), 61-72, 2008
Dissecting technology-enabled knowledge translation: essential challenges, unprecedented opportunities.
K Ho, HN Lauscher, A Best, G Walsh, S Jarvis-Selinger, M Fedeles, ...
Clinical & Investigative Medicine 27 (2), 2004
Home telehealth for chronic disease management: selected findings of a narrative synthesis
A Jones, J Hedges-Chou, J Bates, M Loyola, SA Lear, S Jarvis-Selinger
Telemedicine and e-Health 20 (4), 346-380, 2014
The impact of a personal digital assistant (PDA) case log in a medical student clerkship
K Ho, HN Lauscher, M Broudo, S Jarvis-Selinger, J Fraser, D Hewes, ...
Teaching and learning in medicine 21 (4), 318-326, 2009
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Articles 1–20