Jing Feng
Jing Feng
Princeton University/NOAA GFDL
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How a stable greenhouse effect on Earth is maintained under global warming
J Feng, D Paynter, M Raymond
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 128 (9), e2022JD038124, 2023
Cloud-assisted retrieval of lower-stratospheric water vapor from nadir-view satellite measurements
J Feng, Y Huang
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 35 (3), 541-553, 2018
How atmospheric humidity drives the outgoing longwave radiation–surface temperature relationship and inter-model spread
J Feng, D Paynter, C Wang, R Menzel
Environmental Research Letters 18 (10), 104033, 2023
A simulation-experiment-based assessment of retrievals of above-cloud temperature and water vapor using a hyperspectral infrared sounder
J Feng, Y Huang, Z Qu
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 14 (8), 5717-5734, 2021
Diffusivity-Factor Approximation for Spectral Outgoing Longwave Radiation
J Feng, Y Huang
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 76 (7), 2171-2180, 2019
Impacts of tropical cyclones on the thermodynamic conditions in the tropical tropopause layer observed by A-Train satellites
J Feng, Y Huang
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (20), 15493–15518, 2021
Energy Gain Kernel for Climate Feedbacks. Part I: Formulation and Physical Understanding
M Cai, X Hu, J Sun, F Ding, J Feng
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 2024
Convectively transported water vapor plumes in the midlatitude lower stratosphere
X Wang, Y Huang, Z Qu, PA Vaillancourt, MK Yau, J Feng, J Langille, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 128 (4), e2022JD037699, 2023
How a stable greenhouse effect on Earth is maintained under global warming
J Feng, D Paynter, R Menzel
Authorea Preprints, 2022
冯婧, 杭建, 谢旻, 葛鸣洁, 韩潇, 宫艺姝
环境科学与技术, 201-205, 2014
A Flexible Approach to Parameterize the Optical Properties of Clouds and Precipitation
J Feng, R Menzel, D Paynter
Authorea Preprints, 2024
An observing system simulation experiment (OSSE)-based assessment of the retrieval of above-cloud temperature and water vapor using hyperspectral infrared sounder
J Feng, Y Huang, Z Qu
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 1-23, 2021
The Spectral Signature of the Pattern Effect
D Paynter, R Menzel, SP Raghuraman, J Feng
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, A32B-01, 2022
The simplicity of forcing and feedback in the longwave spectral dimension
J Feng, D Paynter, R Menzel
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, A32B-06, 2022
A spectral explanation of the stable clear sky longwave feedback
J Feng, D Paynter, R Menzel
Collective Madison Meeting, 2022
The Impacts of Convection on Upper-Tropospheric and Lower-Stratospheric Water Vapor: A new Perspective from Satellite Observations
J Feng
McGill University, 2021
Radiative Effects of Cloud, Temperature, and Water Vapor in the TTL Above Tropical Cyclones.
J Feng, Y Huang
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, A148-0003, 2020
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Articles 1–17