Zeynal Karaca
Cited by
Cited by
Surgeries in hospital-based ambulatory surgery and hospital inpatient settings, 2014
CA Steiner, Z Karaca, BJ Moore, MC Imshaug, G Pickens
Trends in opioid-related inpatient stays shifted after the US transitioned to ICD-10-CM diagnosis coding in 2015
KC Heslin, PL Owens, Z Karaca, ML Barrett, BJ Moore, A Elixhauser
Medical care 55 (11), 918-923, 2017
Discharge planning and hospital readmissions
RM Henke, Z Karaca, P Jackson, WD Marder, HS Wong
Medical care research and review 74 (3), 345-368, 2017
The growing difference between public and private payment rates for inpatient hospital care
TM Selden, Z Karaca, P Keenan, C White, R Kronick
Health Affairs 34 (12), 2147-2150, 2015
Trends in hospital emergency department visits by age and payer, 2006–2015
R Sun, Z Karaca, HS Wong
The Impact of Health Information Exchanges on Emergency Department Length of Stay
T Ayer, MUS Ayvaci, Z Karaca, J Vlachy
Production and Operations Management, 2018
Duration of patients’ visits to the hospital emergency department
Z Karaca, HS Wong, RL Mutter
BMC emergency medicine 12, 1-14, 2012
Antimicrobial resistance prevalence, rates of hospitalization with septicemia and rates of mortality with sepsis in adults in different US states
E Goldstein, DR MacFadden, Z Karaca, CA Steiner, C Viboud, M Lipsitch
International journal of antimicrobial agents 54 (1), 23-34, 2019
Impact of health system affiliation on hospital resource use intensity and quality of care
RM Henke, Z Karaca, B Moore, E Cutler, H Liu, WD Marder, HS Wong
Health Services Research 53 (1), 63-86, 2018
All Medicaid expansions are not created equal: the geography and targeting of the Affordable Care Act
C Garthwaite, JA Graves, T Gross, Z Karaca, VR Marone, MJ Notowidigdo
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019
Predicting inpatient hospital payments in the United States: a retrospective analysis
MW Smith, B Friedman, Z Karaca, HS Wong
BMC health services research 15, 1-12, 2015
Changes in hospital inpatient utilization following health care reform
G Pickens, Z Karaca, E Cutler, M Dworsky, C Eibner, B Moore, T Gibson, ...
Health Services Research 53 (4), 2446-2469, 2018
Hospitalizations associated with respiratory syncytial virus and influenza in children, including children diagnosed with asthma
E Goldstein, L Finelli, A O’Halloran, P Liu, Z Karaca, CA Steiner, C Viboud, ...
Epidemiology 30 (6), 918-926, 2019
Medicare Advantage and traditional Medicare hospitalization intensity and readmissions
RM Henke, Z Karaca, TB Gibson, E Cutler, ML Barrett, K Levit, J Johann, ...
Medical care research and review 75 (4), 434-453, 2018
Variation in Hospital Inpatient Prices Across Small Geographic Areas
JLK Maeda, RM Henke, WD Marder, Z Karaca, BS Friedman, HS Wong
Am J Manag Care 20 (11), 907-916, 2014
Costs of emergency department visits for mental and substance use disorders in the United States, 2017: statistical brief# 257
Z Karaca, BJ Moore
Racial disparity in duration of patient visits to the emergency department: teaching versus non-teaching hospitals
Z Karaca, HS Wong
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine 14 (5), 529, 2013
Trends in Hospital Inpatient Stays by Age and Payer, 2000–2015: Statistical Brief# 235
R Sun, Z Karaca, HS Wong
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US), Rockville (MD), 2017
Surgeries in Hospital-Based Ambulatory Surgery and Hospital Inpatient Settings, 2014: Statistical Brief# 223
CA Steiner, Z Karaca, BJ Moore, MC Imshaug, G Pickens
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US), Rockville (MD), 2016
Trends in treatment costs of US emergency department visits
G Pickens, MW Smith, KW McDermott, A Mummert, Z Karaca
The American Journal of Emergency Medicine 58, 89-94, 2022
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