Farouk Maaboudallah
Cited by
Cited by
An efficient numerical strategy to predict the dynamic instabilities of a rubbing system: application to an automobile disc brake system
F Maaboudallah, N Atalla
Computational Mechanics 67 (5), 1465-1483, 2021
A review on the contact mechanics modeling of rough surfaces in the elastic regime: fundamentals, theories, and numerical implementations
F Maaboudallah, M Najah, N Atalla
Tribology of Machine Elements-Fundamentals and Applications, 129, 2022
Spectral analysis of the topography parameters for isotropic Gaussian rough surfaces applied to gold coating
M Najah, F Maaboudallah, M Boucherit, M Ferguson, L Fréchette, ...
Tribology International 165, 107339, 2022
A “data-driven uncertainty” computational method to model and predict instabilities of a frictional system
F Maaboudallah, N Atalla
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 10 (1), 3, 2023
An efficient methodology to predict the dynamic instabilities of a frictional system
F Maaboudallah, N Atalla
SAE Technical Paper, 2022
Beyond the main order sensitivity analysis for a frictional system: is the eXtended FAST algorithm applicable?
F Maaboudallah, N Atalla
Nonlinear Dynamics 111 (6), 5593-5614, 2023
A Multi-Scale Investigation to Predict the Dynamic Instabilities Induced by Frictional Contact
F Maaboudallah, N Atalla
Lubricants 11 (8), 344, 2023
A" data-driven" computational method to model and predict the dynamic instabilities of a frictional system
F Maaboudallah, N Atalla
Contact mechanics modelling of rough surfaces
F Maaboudallah, M Najah, N Atalla
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Articles 1–9