Michael Opitz
Cited by
Cited by
BIER-Boosting Independent Embeddings Robustly
M Opitz, G Waltner, H Possegger, H Bischof
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2017
Grid loss: Detecting occluded faces
M Opitz, G Waltner, G Poier, H Possegger, H Bischof
European conference on computer vision, 386-402, 2016
End-to-end text recognition using local ternary patterns, MSER and deep convolutional nets
M Opitz, M Diem, S Fiel, F Kleber, R Sablatnig
Document Analysis Systems (DAS), 2014 11th IAPR International Workshop on …, 2014
Efficient Model Averaging for Deep Neural Networks
M Opitz, H Possegger, B Horst
Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 205-220, 2016
HiBsteR: Hierarchical Boosted Deep Metric Learning for Image Retrieval
G Waltner, M Opitz, H Possegger, H Bischof
IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 599-608, 2019
BaCoN: building a classifier from only n samples
G Waltner, M Opitz, H Bischof
Proc. CVWW, 2016
Image Retrieval with BIER: Boosting Independent Embeddings Robustly
M Opitz, G Waltner, H Possegger, H Bischof
AAPR, 2018
Deep Metric Learning with BIER: Boosting Independent Embeddings Robustly
M Opitz, Waltner, H Georg, Possegger, B Horst
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2018
Supplementary Material Grid Loss: Detecting Occluded Faces
M Opitz, G Waltner, G Poier, H Possegger, H Bischof
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Articles 1–9