lichuan xiang
lichuan xiang
phD Candidate of Computer Science, University of Warwick
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Cited by
Zero-Cost Operation Scoring in Differentiable Architecture Search
L Xiang, Ł Dudziak, MS Abdelfattah, T Chau, ND Lane, H Wen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.06799, 2021
Zero-cost operation scoring in differentiable architecture search
L Xiang, L Dudziak, MS Abdelfattah, T Chau, ND Lane, H Wen
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (9), 10453 …, 2023
Towards data-agnostic pruning at initialization: what makes a good sparse mask?
H Pham, S Liu, L Xiang, D Le, H Wen, L Tran-Thanh
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 2024
Exploiting network compressibility and topology in zero-cost NAS
L Xiang, R Hunter, M Xu, Ł Dudziak, H Wen
International Conference on Automated Machine Learning, 18/1-14, 2023
Temporal Kernel Consistency for Blind Video Super-Resolution
L Xiang, R Lee, MS Abdelfattah, ND Lane, H Wen
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2021
Towards Neural Architecture Search through Hierarchical Generative Modeling
L Xiang, Ł Dudziak, MS Abdelfattah, A Mehrotra, ND Lane, H Wen
Generating Neural Network Architectures with Conditional Graph Normalizing Flows
L Xiang, Ł Dudziak, A Mehrotra, MS Abdelfattah, ND Lane, H Wen
AutoML Conference 2023 (Workshop), 2023
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Articles 1–7