Alex Bierman
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Current issues and future directions in research into the stress process
LI Pearlin, A Bierman
Handbook of the sociology of mental health, 325-340, 2013
Handbook of the sociology of mental health
A Bierman
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 1999
Work-life conflict during the COVID-19 pandemic
S Schieman, PJ Badawy, M A. Milkie, A Bierman
Socius 7, 2378023120982856, 2021
Does religion buffer the effects of discrimination on mental health? Differing effects by race
A Bierman
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 45 (4), 551-565, 2006
A multifaceted approach to the mental health advantage of the married: Assessing how explanations vary by outcome measure and unmarried group
A Bierman, EM Fazio, MA Milkie
Journal of Family Issues 27 (4), 554-582, 2006
The sociology of mental health: Surveying the field
CS Aneshensel, JC Phelan, A Bierman
Handbook of the sociology of mental health, 1-19, 2013
How adult children influence older parents' mental health: Integrating stress-process and life-course perspectives
MA Milkie, A Bierman, S Schieman
Social psychology quarterly 71 (1), 86-105, 2008
Religion and mental health
S Schieman, A Bierman, CG Ellison
Handbook of the sociology of mental health, 457-478, 2012
Über-alienated: Powerless and alone in the gig economy
P Glavin, A Bierman, S Schieman
Work and Occupations 48 (4), 399-431, 2021
The effects of childhood maltreatment on adult religiosity and spirituality: Rejecting God the Father because of abusive fathers?
A Bierman
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 44 (3), 349-359, 2005
Religious involvement, beliefs about God, and the sense of mattering among older adults
S Schieman, A Bierman, CG Ellison
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 49 (3), 517-535, 2010
Timing, social support, and the effects of physical limitations on psychological distress in late life
A Bierman, D Statland
Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences …, 2010
Love thy self? How belief in a supportive God shapes self-esteem
S Schieman, A Bierman, L Upenieks, CG Ellison
Review of Religious Research 59 (3), 293-318, 2017
Marital status as contingency for the effects of neighborhood disorder on older adults' mental health
A Bierman
Journals of Gerontology: Series B 64 (3), 425-434, 2009
How does religious attendance shape trajectories of pornography use across adolescence?
K Rasmussen, A Bierman
Journal of Adolescence 49, 191-203, 2016
Accumulation of economic hardship and health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Social causation or selection?
A Bierman, L Upenieks, P Glavin, S Schieman
Social Science & Medicine 275, 113774, 2021
Handbook of the sociology of mental health
BG Link, JC Phelan, CS Aneshensel, A Bierman
Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research 2, 525-541, 2013
Social estrangement and psychological distress before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: Patterns of change in Canadian workers
A Bierman, S Schieman
Journal of health and social behavior 61 (4), 398-417, 2020
Ambivalence on the front lines: Perceptions of contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan
R Kelty, A Bierman
Armed Forces & Society 39 (1), 5-27, 2013
Loneliness as a mediator of perceived discrimination and depression: Examining education contingencies
Y Lee, A Bierman
The International Journal of Aging and Human Development 89 (2), 206-227, 2019
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Articles 1–20