Paul Winget
Paul Winget
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Cited by
A universal method to produce low–work function electrodes for organic electronics
Y Zhou, C Fuentes-Hernandez, J Shim, J Meyer, AJ Giordano, H Li, ...
Science 336 (6079), 327-332, 2012
Computation of equilibrium oxidation and reduction potentials for reversible and dissociative electron-transfer reactions in solution
P Winget, CJ Cramer, DG Truhlar
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 112, 217-227, 2004
Extension of the platform of applicability of the SM5. 42R universal solvation model
J Li, T Zhu, GD Hawkins, P Winget, DA Liotard, CJ Cramer, DG Truhlar
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 103, 9-63, 1999
Computational electrochemistry: aqueous one-electron oxidation potentials for substituted anilines
P Winget, EJ Weber, CJ Cramer, DG Truhlar
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2 (6), 1231-1239, 2000
Minnesota solvation database (MNSOL) version 2012
AV Marenich, CP Kelly, JD Thompson, GD Hawkins, CC Chambers, ...
A density functional theory investigation of the electronic structure and spin moments of magnetite
J Noh, OI Osman, SG Aziz, P Winget, JL Brédas
Science and technology of advanced materials 15 (4), 044202, 2014
Magnetite Fe3O4 (111) Surfaces: Impact of Defects on Structure, Stability, and Electronic Properties
J Noh, OI Osman, SG Aziz, P Winget, JL Bredas
Chemistry of Materials 27 (17), 5856-5867, 2015
GD Hawkins, DJ Giesen, GC Lynch, CC Chambers, I Rossi, JW Storer, ...
QCPE Bull 16, 11-13, 1996
Reductive Dechlorination of 1, 1, 2, 2-Tetrachloroethane
WA Arnold, P Winget, CJ Cramer
Environmental science & technology 36 (16), 3536-3541, 2002
Effect of substituents on the electronic structure and degradation process in carbazole derivatives for blue OLED host materials
M Hong, MK Ravva, P Winget, JL Brédas
Chemistry of Materials 28 (16), 5791-5798, 2016
Interfacial electronic structure in thiolate self-assembled monolayers: Implication for molecular electronics
T Vondrak, H Wang, P Winget, CJ Cramer, XY Zhu
Journal of the American Chemical Society 122 (19), 4700-4707, 2000
Minnesota solvent descriptor database
P Winget, DM Dolney, DJ Giesen, CJ Cramer, DG Truhlar
Minneapolis, MN: Department of Chemistry and Supercomputer Institute, 1999
Reduction of the work function of gold by N-heterocyclic carbenes
HK Kim, AS Hyla, P Winget, H Li, CM Wyss, AJ Jordan, FA Larrain, ...
Chemistry of Materials 29 (8), 3403-3411, 2017
AM1* parameters for phosphorus, sulfur and chlorine
P Winget, AHC Horn, C Selçuki, B Martin, T Clark
Journal of molecular modeling 9, 408-414, 2003
Electronic-structure theory of organic semiconductors: charge-transport parameters and metal/organic interfaces
V Coropceanu, H Li, P Winget, L Zhu, JL Brédas
Annual Review of Materials Research 43 (1), 63-87, 2013
Charge Model 3: A class IV charge model based on hybrid density functional theory with variable exchange
P Winget, JD Thompson, JD Xidos, CJ Cramer, DG Truhlar
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 106 (44), 10707-10717, 2002
Towards a ‘‘next generation’’neglect of diatomic differential overlap based semiempirical molecular orbital technique
P Winget, C Selcuki, AHC Horn, B Martin, T Clark
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 110 (4), 254-266, 2003
Universal solvation model based on conductor‐like screening model
DM Dolney, GD Hawkins, P Winget, DA Liotard, CJ Cramer, DG Truhlar
Journal of Computational Chemistry 21 (5), 340-366, 2000
Integer charge transfer and hybridization at an organic semiconductor/conductive oxide interface
M Gruenewald, LK Schirra, P Winget, M Kozlik, PF Ndione, AK Sigdel, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (9), 4865-4873, 2015
Binding modes of fluorinated benzylphosphonic acids on the polar ZnO surface and impact on work function
C Wood, H Li, P Winget, JL Bredas
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (36), 19125-19133, 2012
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Articles 1–20