Alexandre A. Lussier
Alexandre A. Lussier
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
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La-related protein 1 (LARP1) represses terminal oligopyrimidine (TOP) mRNA translation downstream of mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1)
BD Fonseca, C Zakaria, JJ Jia, TE Graber, Y Svitkin, S Tahmasebi, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 290 (26), 15996-16020, 2015
DNA methylation signature of human fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
E Portales-Casamar, AA Lussier, MJ Jones, JL MacIsaac, RD Edgar, ...
Epigenetics & chromatin 9, 1-20, 2016
DNA methylation as a predictor of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
AA Lussier, AM Morin, JL MacIsaac, J Salmon, J Weinberg, JN Reynolds, ...
Clinical epigenetics 10, 1-14, 2018
Epigenetics studies of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: where are we now?
AA Lussier, J Weinberg, MS Kobor
Epigenomics 9 (3), 291-311, 2017
Autosomal sex-associated co-methylated regions predict biological sex from DNA methylation
E Gatev, AM Inkster, GL Negri, C Konwar, AA Lussier, A Skakkebaek, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 49 (16), 9097-9116, 2021
Associations between indicators of socioeconomic position and DNA methylation: a scoping review
J Cerutti, AA Lussier, Y Zhu, J Liu, EC Dunn
Clinical Epigenetics 13, 1-20, 2021
Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search
P Brown, Y Zhou
Database 2019, baz085, 2019
Childhood emotional neglect and adolescent depression: assessing the protective role of peer social support in a longitudinal birth cohort
EA Glickman, KW Choi, AA Lussier, BJ Smith, EC Dunn
Frontiers in Psychiatry 12, 681176, 2021
Prenatal alcohol exposure alters steady‐state and activated gene expression in the adult rat brain
AA Lussier, KA Stepien, SM Neumann, P Pavlidis, MS Kobor, J Weinberg
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 39 (2), 251-261, 2015
Prenatal alcohol exposure: profiling developmental DNA methylation patterns in central and peripheral tissues
AA Lussier, TS Bodnar, M Mingay, AM Morin, M Hirst, MS Kobor, ...
Frontiers in Genetics 9, 610, 2018
Association between the timing of childhood adversity and epigenetic patterns across childhood and adolescence: findings from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and …
AA Lussier, Y Zhu, BJ Smith, J Cerutti, J Fisher, PE Melton, NM Wood, ...
The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health 7 (8), 532-543, 2023
Molecular pathways underpinning ethanol-induced neurodegeneration
D Goldowitz, AA Lussier, JK Boyle, K Wong, SL Lattimer, C Dubose, L Lu, ...
Frontiers in Genetics 5, 203, 2014
Intersection of epigenetic and immune alterations: Implications for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and mental health
AA Lussier, TS Bodnar, J Weinberg
Frontiers in neuroscience 15, 788630, 2021
Updates to data versions and analytic methods influence the reproducibility of results from epigenome-wide association studies
AA Lussier, Y Zhu, BJ Smith, AJ Simpkin, ADAC Smith, MJ Suderman, ...
Epigenetics 17 (11), 1373-1388, 2022
A structured approach to evaluating life-course hypotheses: moving beyond analyses of exposed versus unexposed in the-omics context
Y Zhu, AJ Simpkin, MJ Suderman, AA Lussier, E Walton, EC Dunn, ...
American Journal of Epidemiology 190 (6), 1101-1112, 2021
Neonatal alcohol exposure in mice induces select differentiation-and apoptosis-related chromatin changes both independent of and dependent on sex
SL Schaffner, AA Lussier, JA Baker, D Goldowitz, KM Hamre, MS Kobor
Frontiers in Genetics 11, 35, 2020
Association of maternal stress and social support during pregnancy with growth marks in children’s primary tooth enamel
RV Mountain, Y Zhu, OR Pickett, AA Lussier, JM Goldstein, JL Roffman, ...
JAMA network open 4 (11), e2129129-e2129129, 2021
Prenatal adversity alters the epigenetic profile of the prefrontal cortex: sexually dimorphic effects of prenatal alcohol exposure and food-related stress
AA Lussier, TS Bodnar, M Moksa, M Hirst, MS Kobor, J Weinberg
Genes 12 (11), 1773, 2021
Genetic susceptibility for major depressive disorder associates with trajectories of depressive symptoms across childhood and adolescence
AA Lussier, M Hawrilenko, MJ Wang, KW Choi, J Cerutti, Y Zhu, ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 62 (7), 895-904, 2021
Socioeconomic changes predict genome-wide DNA methylation in childhood
J Liu, J Cerutti, AA Lussier, Y Zhu, BJ Smith, ADAC Smith, EC Dunn
Human Molecular Genetics 32 (5), 709-719, 2023
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Articles 1–20