Kwan-Lamar Blount-Hill
Cited by
Cited by
Examining housing discrimination across race, gender and felony history
DN Evans, KL Blount-Hill, MA Cubellis
Housing Studies 34 (5), 761-778, 2019
Architecture and correctional services: A facilities approach to treatment
VJ St. John, KL Blount-Hill, D Evans, D Ayers, S Allard
The Prison Journal 99 (6), 748-770, 2019
Exploring a social identity theory of shared narrative: Insights from resident stories of police contact in Newark, New Jersey, and Cleveland, Ohio
KL Blount-Hill
Criminal Justice and Behavior, 0093854820969751, 2020
How can embedded criminologists, police pracademics, and crime analysts help increase police-led program evaluations? A survey of authors cited in the evidence-based policing …
EL Piza, J Szkola, KL Blount-Hill
Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 15 (2), 1217-1231, 2021
Advancing a social identity model of system attitudes
KL Blount-Hill
International Annals of Criminology 57 (1-2), 114-137, 2020
“Writing the Other as other”: Exploring the othered lens in academia using collaborative autoethnography
A Ajil, KL Blount-Hill
Decolonization of Criminology and Justice 2 (1), 83-108, 2020
Manufactured “mismatch” cultural incongruence and black experience in the academy
KL Blount-Hill, V St. John
Race and Justice 7 (2), 110-126, 2017
Swipe right?: Experimental analyses of app-based dating in the age of criminal stigma
DN Evans, KL Blount-Hill
Corrections 7 (4), 296-318, 2022
In their experience: A review of racial and sexual minority experience in academe and proposals for building an inclusive criminology
KL Blount-Hill, V St. John, LN Moton, A Ajil
Race and Justice 12 (3), 457-480, 2022
The frontline of housing access: Comparing criminal stigma among landlords and real estate agents in New York
DN Evans, KL Blount-Hill, S Hoyos-Torres
Critical Criminology 29 (4), 853-871, 2021
Proposing a social identity theory of interspecies dominance
KL Blount-Hill
Biological Conservation 254, 108969, 2021
Place, space, race, and life during and after incarceration: dismantling mass incarceration through spatial and placial justice
VJ St John, KL Blount-Hill
Harvard Journal of African American Public Policy, 46-54, 2019
The psychology of justice buildings: A survey experiment on police architecture, public sentiment, and race
AM Headley, KL Blount-Hill, VJS John
Journal of Criminal Justice 73, 101747, 2021
Race and police misconduct cases
AM Headley, KL Blount-Hill
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 2021
Hernández v. Mesa and police liability for youth homicides before and after the death of Michael Brown
D Jones-Brown, J Ruffin, KL Blount-Hill, A Dawson, CJ Cottrell
Criminal Law Bulletin 56 (5), 2020
Am I my brother’s keeper? Can duty to intervene policies save lives and reduce the need for special prosecutors in officer-involved homicide cases?
D Jones-Brown, A Dawson, KL Blount-Hill, KMI Fuller, P Oder, ...
Criminal Justice Studies 34 (3), 306-351, 2021
Convicted: Do recent cases represent a shift in police accountability? A research note
D Jones-Brown, KL Blount-Hill
Criminal Law Bulletin 56 (2), 270-301, 2020
Psychology of space: Enhancing legitimacy through open, transparent, and inclusive facilities for police and the public
K Blount-Hill, VJ St John, E Ryan
The Police Chief, 2017
The Palgrave Handbook of Prison Design
D Moran, Y Jewkes, KL Blount-Hill, VS John
Palgrave Macmillan, 2023
Clarion call: A comment on Hamm et al.'s (2022) diagrammatic map for a future research agenda.
KL Blount‐Hill, JM Gau
Legal & Criminological Psychology 27 (2), 2022
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Articles 1–20