Sony Sulaksono Wibowo
Sony Sulaksono Wibowo
Assoc. Professor of Transportation Eng., Bandung Institute of Technology
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Cited by
Using equivalent walking distance to assess pedestrian accessibility to transit stations in Singapore
P Olszewski, SS Wibowo
Transportation research record 1927 (1), 38-45, 2005
Modeling walking accessibility to public transport terminals: case study of Singapore mass rapid transit
SS Wibowo, P Olszewski
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 6, 147-156, 2005
Transit station access trips and factors affecting propensity to walk to transit stations in Bangkok, Thailand
S Chalermpong, SS Wibowo
Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies Vol. 6 …, 2007
Walkability measures for city area in Indonesia (case study of Bandung)
SS Wibowo, N Tanan, N Tinumbia
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 11, 1507-1521, 2015
Pengukuran Walkability Index pada Ruas Jalan di Kawasan Perkotaan
N Tanan, SS Wibowo, N Tinumbia
Jurnal Jalan Jembatan 34 (2), 2017
Characteristics of mode choice within mass transit catchments area
SS Wibowo, S Chalermpong
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 8, 1261-1274, 2010
Applying input-output model to estimate the broader economic benefits of Cipularang Tollroad Investment to Bandung District
R Anas, OZ Tamin, SS Wibowo
Procedia Engineering 125, 489-497, 2015
Measuring regional economic impact of cipularang toll road investments: Using an input-output model (case study: Bandung district)
R Anas, OZ Tamin, RZ Tamin, SS Wibowo
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 8 (10), 796-804, 2017
Pedestrian facilities evaluation using Pedestrian Level of Service (PLOS) for university area: Case of Bandung Institute of Technology
SS Wibowo, DRM Nurhalima
MATEC web of conferences 181, 02005, 2018
Analisis Kebijakan Struktur Tarif dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Besaran Subsidi (Studi Kasus: TransJakarta)
ML Hariani, I Santoso, SS Wibowo
Jurnal Manajemen Aset Infrastruktur & Fasilitas 4 (3), 2020
Pengaruh investasi infrastruktur jalan terhadap sektor industri pengolahan
R Anas, OZ Tamin, SS Wibowo
Jurnal Transportasi 17 (2), 2017
Applying input–output model to estimate broader economic impact of transportation infrastructure investment
R Anas, O Tamin, SS Wibowo
Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A 97, 323-331, 2016
Network analysis of intercity bus terminal and inner-city toll road development–the case of Bandung City
KNS Ayuningtyas, RB Frazila, SS Wibowo, W Weningtyas, M Farda
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation Technology 2 (1), 8-18, 2019
Queuing analysis using Viswalk for check-in counter: Case study of Lombok Praya International Airport
SS Wibowo, SR Fadilah
MATEC Web of Conferences 181, 02006, 2018
Modelling walking accessibility to public transport terminals
SS Wibowo
Efektivitas Jalur Sepeda Motor Pada Jalan Perkotaan Menggunakan Model Simulasi-Mikro
F Zukhruf, RB Frazila, SS Wibowo
Jurnal Transportasi 10 (1), 2010
Vulnerability factor in earthquake risk assessment model for roads in Indonesia
MF Toyfur, KS Pribadi, SS Wibowo, IW Sengara
MATEC Web of Conferences 229, 03009, 2018
Analisis Ability to Pay (ATP) Dan Willingness to Pay (WTP) Pengguna Kereta Api Bandara (Studi Kasus: Bandar Udara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta)
OZ Tamin, DN Wulansari, SS Wibowo, W Weningtyas
Jurnal Forum Studi Transportasi Antar Perguruan Tinggi, Program Studi …, 2015
Pengantar Rekayasa Jalan
SS Wibowo, DKK Sulaksono
Cetakan Ketiga. Bandung, 2001
Evaluation of accessibility to mass transit systems in Bangkok and Manila
SS Wibowo
Chulalongkorn University, 2007
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Articles 1–20