Nandika Bandara
Nandika Bandara
Associate Professor & Canada Research Chair - University of Manitoba
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Cited by
Purification and characterization of antioxidant peptides from enzymatically hydrolyzed chicken egg white
C Nimalaratne, N Bandara, J Wu
Food chemistry 188, 467-472, 2015
Marine mussel adhesion: biochemistry, mechanisms, and biomimetics
N Bandara, H Zeng, J Wu
Journal of adhesion science and technology 27 (18-19), 2139-2162, 2013
Improvement of antimicrobial activity of sago starch/guar gum bi-phasic edible films by incorporating carvacrol and citral
CV Dhumal, J Ahmed, N Bandara, P Sarkar
Food Packaging and Shelf Life 21, 100380, 2019
Applications of reverse micelles technique in food science: A comprehensive review
X Sun, N Bandara
Trends in Food Science & Technology 91, 106-115, 2019
Hydrogels from feather keratin show higher viscoelastic properties and cell proliferation than those from hair and wool keratins
Y Esparza, N Bandara, A Ullah, J Wu
Materials Science and Engineering: C 90, 446-453, 2018
Synthesis and characterization of tamarind kernel powder-based antimicrobial edible films loaded with geraniol
S Agarwal, M Hoque, N Bandara, K Pal, P Sarkar
Food Packaging and Shelf Life 26, 100562, 2020
Novel extraction technologies for developing plant protein ingredients with improved functionality
A Hewage, OO Olatunde, C Nimalaratne, M Malalgoda, RE Aluko, ...
Trends in Food Science & Technology 129, 492-511, 2022
Microbial, physico‐chemical and sensory characteristics of mango juice‐enriched probiotic dairy drinks
J Ryan, SC Hutchings, Z Fang, N Bandara, S Gamlath, S Ajlouni, ...
International Journal of Dairy Technology 73 (1), 182-190, 2020
Chemically modified canola protein–nanomaterial hybrid adhesive shows improved adhesion and water resistance
N Bandara, J Wu
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 6 (1), 1152-1161, 2018
Graphite oxide improves adhesion and water resistance of canola protein–graphite oxide hybrid adhesive
N Bandara, Y Esparza, J Wu
Scientific reports 7 (1), 11538, 2017
Antibacterial and antiviral high-performance nanosystems to mitigate new SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern
S Tiwari, S Juneja, A Ghosal, N Bandara, R Khan, SL Wallen, ...
Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering 21, 100363, 2022
Exfoliating nanomaterials in canola protein derived adhesive improves strength and water resistance
N Bandara, Y Esparza, J Wu
RSC advances 7 (11), 6743-6752, 2017
Canola protein: A promising protein source for delivery, adhesive, and material applications
N Bandara, A Akbari, Y Esparza, J Wu
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 95 (8), 1075-1090, 2018
Cold atmospheric plasma‐induced protein modification: Novel nonthermal processing technology to improve protein quality, functionality, and allergenicity reduction
OO Olatunde, A Hewage, T Dissanayake, RE Aluko, AC Karaca, N Shang, ...
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 22 (3), 2197-2234, 2023
Enzymatic modification of plant proteins for improved functional and bioactive properties
OO Olatunde, IO Owolabi, OS Fadairo, A Ghosal, OJ Coker, OP Soladoye, ...
Food and Bioprocess Technology 16 (6), 1216-1234, 2023
Protein extraction from triticale distillers grains
N Bandara, L Chen, J Wu
Cereal chemistry 88 (6), 553-559, 2011
Reinforcing canola protein matrix with chemically tailored nanocrystalline cellulose improves the functionality of canola protein-based packaging materials
T Dissanayake, BP Chang, TH Mekonnen, CS Ranadheera, ...
Food Chemistry 383, 132618, 2022
Improving properties of canola protein-based nanocomposite films by hydrophobically modified nanocrystalline cellulose
T Dissanayake, BM Trinh, TH Mekonnen, P Sarkar, RE Aluko, N Bandara
Food Packaging and Shelf Life 35, 101018, 2023
Adhesive properties of modified triticale distillers grain proteins
N Bandara, L Chen, J Wu
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 44, 122-129, 2013
Recent advances in lipid-protein conjugate-based delivery systems in nutraceutical, drug, and gene delivery
T Dissanayake, X Sun, L Abbey, N Bandara
Food Hydrocolloids for Health 2, 100054, 2022
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Articles 1–20