Blake Shaffer
Cited by
Cited by
Preliminary results of the London congestion charging scheme
G Santos, B Shaffer
Public Works Management & Policy 9 (2), 164-181, 2004
Make electric vehicles lighter to maximize climate and safety benefits
B Shaffer, M Auffhammer, C Samaras
Nature 598 (7880), 254-256, 2021
Attitudes, behaviours and barriers to public health measures for COVID-19: a survey to inform public health messaging
R Lang, JL Benham, O Atabati, A Hollis, T Tombe, B Shaffer, KK Burns, ...
BMC Public Health 21, 1-15, 2021
Canadian electricity markets during the COVID-19 pandemic: An initial assessment
A Leach, N Rivers, B Shaffer
Canadian Public Policy 46 (S2), S145-S159, 2020
Misunderstanding nonlinear prices: Evidence from a natural experiment on residential electricity demand
B Shaffer
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 12 (3), 433-461, 2020
COVID-19 vaccine–related attitudes and beliefs in Canada: National cross-sectional survey and cluster analysis
JL Benham, O Atabati, RJ Oxoby, M Mourali, B Shaffer, H Sheikh, ...
JMIR public health and surveillance 7 (12), e30424, 2021
Private risk and social resilience in liberalized electricity markets
J Mays, MT Craig, L Kiesling, JC Macey, B Shaffer, H Shu
Joule 6 (2), 369-380, 2022
Alberta's Renewable Electricity Program: Design, results, and lessons learned
S Hastings-Simon, A Leach, B Shaffer, T Weis
Energy Policy 171, 113266, 2022
All's Well That Ends Well: Addressing End-of-Life Liabilities for Oil and Gas Wells
B Dachis, B Shaffer, V Thivierge
CD Howe Institute Commentary 492, 2017
Stretching the Duck: How rising temperatures will change the level and shape of future electricity consumption
N Rivers, B Shaffer
The Energy Journal 41 (5), 55-88, 2020
Characterization of non-adopters of COVID-19 non-pharmaceutical interventions through a national cross-sectional survey to assess attitudes and behaviours
R Lang, O Atabati, RJ Oxoby, M Mourali, B Shaffer, H Sheikh, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 21751, 2021
Show Me the Money! Incentives and Nudges to Shift Electric Vehicle Charge Timing
MR Bailey, DP Brown, BC Shaffer, FA Wolak
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2023
Paying for performance: The role of policy in energy storage deployment
M Tabari, B Shaffer
Energy Economics 92, 104949, 2020
Changing sensitivity to cold weather in Texas power demand
B Shaffer, D Quintero, J Rhodes
Iscience 25 (4), 2022
Location matters: Daylight saving time and electricity demand
B Shaffer
Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique 52 (4), 1374-1400, 2019
Evaluating the impact of divestitures on competition: Evidence from Alberta’s wholesale electricity market
DP Brown, A Eckert, B Shaffer
International Journal of Industrial Organization 89, 102953, 2023
The role of hydrogen in decarbonizing Alberta’s electricity system
J Neff, C Bataille, B Shaffer
The School of Public Policy Publications 14, 2021
Lifting the Hood on Alberta's Royalty Review
B Shaffer
The School of Public Policy Publications 9 (7), 2016
The Role of Hydrogen in Canada's Transition to Net-Zero Emissions
C Bataille, J Neff, B Shaffer
The School of Public Policy Publications 14, 2021
Preliminary results of the London congestion charging scheme
B Shaffer, G Santos
Transportation Research Report, TRB, National Research Council, Washington …, 2003
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