Lee Middleton
Lee Middleton
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Pulse oximetry screening for congenital heart defects in newborn infants (PulseOx): a test accuracy study
AK Ewer, LJ Middleton, AT Furmston, A Bhoyar, JP Daniels, ...
The Lancet 378 (9793), 785-794, 2011
Percutaneous vesicoamniotic shunting versus conservative management for fetal lower urinary tract obstruction (PLUTO): a randomised trial
RK Morris, GL Malin, E Quinlan-Jones, LJ Middleton, K Hemming, ...
The Lancet 382 (9903), 1496-1506, 2013
PROSPER: a randomised comparison of surgical treatments for rectal prolapse
A Senapati, RG Gray, LJ Middleton, J Harding, RK Hills, NCM Armitage, ...
Colorectal Disease 15 (7), 858-868, 2013
Levothyroxine in women with thyroid peroxidase antibodies before conception
RK Dhillon-Smith, LJ Middleton, KK Sunner, V Cheed, K Baker, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 380 (14), 1316-1325, 2019
A randomized trial of progesterone in women with bleeding in early pregnancy
A Coomarasamy, AJ Devall, V Cheed, H Harb, LJ Middleton, ID Gallos, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 380 (19), 1815-1824, 2019
Levonorgestrel intrauterine system versus medical therapy for menorrhagia
J Gupta, J Kai, L Middleton, H Pattison, R Gray, J Daniels
New England Journal of Medicine 368 (2), 128-137, 2013
Pulse oximetry as a screening test for congenital heart defects in newborn infants: a test accuracy study with evaluation of acceptability and cost-effectiveness
AK Ewer, AT Furmston, LJ Middleton, JJ Deeks, JP Daniels, HM Pattison, ...
Health Technol Assess 16 (2), 1-184, 2012
Uterine-artery embolization or myomectomy for uterine fibroids
I Manyonda, AM Belli, MA Lumsden, J Moss, W McKinnon, LJ Middleton, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 383 (5), 440-451, 2020
Hysterectomy, endometrial destruction, and levonorgestrel releasing intrauterine system (Mirena) for heavy menstrual bleeding: systematic review and meta-analysis of data from …
LJ Middleton, R Champaneria, JP Daniels, S Bhattacharya, KG Cooper, ...
Bmj 341, 2010
The relationship between pelvic vein incompetence and chronic pelvic pain in women: systematic reviews of diagnosis and treatment effectiveness.
R Champaneria, L Shah, J Moss, JK Gupta, J Birch, LJ Middleton, ...
Health Technology Assessment (winchester, England) 20 (5), 1-108, 2016
Hysterectomy, endometrial ablation and MirenaŽ for heavy menstrual bleeding: a systematic review of clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness analysis.
S Bhattacharya, LJ Middleton, A Tsourapas, AJ Lee, R Champaneria, ...
Health Technology Assessment (Winchester, England) 15 (19), iii, 2011
Second generation endometrial ablation techniques for heavy menstrual bleeding: network meta-analysis
JP Daniels, LJ Middleton, R Champaneria, KS Khan, K Cooper, BWJ Mol, ...
Bmj 344, 2012
Pulse oximetry as a screening test for congenital heart defects in newborn infants: a cost-effectiveness analysis
TE Roberts, PM Barton, PE Auguste, LJ Middleton, AT Furmston, AK Ewer
Archives of disease in childhood 97 (3), 221-226, 2012
Hysterectomy, endometrial ablation, and levonorgestrel releasing intrauterine system (Mirena) for treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding: cost effectiveness analysis
TE Roberts, A Tsourapas, LJ Middleton, R Champaneria, JP Daniels, ...
BMJ 342, 2011
Pravastatin for early‐onset pre‐eclampsia: a randomised, blinded, placebo‐controlled trial
A Ahmed, DJ Williams, V Cheed, LJ Middleton, S Ahmad, K Wang, ...
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 127 (4), 478-488, 2020
Hysteroscopic morcellation compared with electrical resection of endometrial polyps: a randomized controlled trial
PP Smith, LJ Middleton, M Connor, TJ Clark
Obstetrics & Gynecology 123 (4), 745-751, 2014
Bipolar radiofrequency compared with thermal balloon endometrial ablation in the office: a randomized controlled trial
TJ Clark, N Samuel, S Malick, LJ Middleton, J Daniels, JK Gupta
Obstetrics & Gynecology 117 (1), 109-118, 2011
Calcineurin inhibitor sparing with mycophenolate in kidney transplantation: a systematic review and meta-analysis
J Moore, L Middleton, P Cockwell, D Adu, S Ball, MA Little, A Ready, ...
Transplantation 87 (4), 591-605, 2009
Randomized trial of early detection and treatment of postpartum hemorrhage
I Gallos, A Devall, J Martin, L Middleton, L Beeson, H Galadanci, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 389 (1), 11-21, 2023
Gabapentin for chronic pelvic pain in women (GaPP2): a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
AW Horne, K Vincent, CA Hewitt, LJ Middleton, M Koscielniak, W Szubert, ...
The Lancet 396 (10255), 909-917, 2020
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Articles 1–20