Diane Poulin-Dubois
Diane Poulin-Dubois
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Developmental origin of the animate–inanimate distinction.
DH Rakison, D Poulin-Dubois
Psychological bulletin 127 (2), 209, 2001
The effects of bilingualism on toddlers’ executive functioning
D Poulin-Dubois, A Blaye, J Coutya, E Bialystok
Journal of experimental child psychology 108 (3), 567-579, 2011
Gender stereotyping in infancy: Visual preferences for and knowledge of gender-stereotyped toys in the second year
LA Serbin, D Poulin-Dubois, KA Colburne, MG Sen, JA Eichstedt
International journal of behavioral development 25 (1), 7-15, 2001
Word mapping and executive functioning in young monolingual and bilingual children
E Bialystok, R Barac, A Blaye, D Poulin-Dubois
Journal of cognition and development 11 (4), 485-508, 2010
When language affects cognition and when it does not: An analysis of grammatical gender and classification.
MD Sera, C Elieff, J Forbes, MC Burch, W Rodríguez, DP Dubois
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 131 (3), 377, 2002
Infants' concept of animacy
D Poulin-Dubois, A Lepage, D Ferland
Cognitive Development 11 (1), 19-36, 1996
Men don’t put on make‐up: Toddlers’ knowledge of the gender stereotyping of household activities
D Poulin‐Dubois, LA Serbin, JA Eichstedt, MG Sen, CF Beissel
Social Development 11 (2), 166-181, 2002
The effects of bilingual growth on toddlers’ executive function
C Crivello, O Kuzyk, M Rodrigues, M Friend, P Zesiger, D Poulin-Dubois
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 141, 121-132, 2016
Lexical access and vocabulary development in very young bilinguals
D Poulin-Dubois, E Bialystok, A Blaye, A Polonia, J Yott
International Journal of Bilingualism 17 (1), 57-70, 2013
To see or not to see: Infants prefer to follow the gaze of a reliable looker
V Chow, D Poulin‐Dubois, J Lewis
Developmental science 11 (5), 761-770, 2008
Infants' intermodal knowledge about gender.
D Poulin-Dubois, LA Serbin, B Kenyon, A Derbyshire
Developmental psychology 30 (3), 436, 1994
Infants' ability to distinguish between intentional and accidental actions and its relation to internal state language
KM Olineck, D Poulin-Dubois
Infancy 8 (1), 91-100, 2005
The development of the understanding of human behavior: From agency to intentionality.
D Poulin-Dubois, TR Shultz
Cambridge University Press, 1988
Early lexical development: The contribution of parental labelling and infants' categorization abilities
D Poulin-Dubois, S Graham, L Sippola
Journal of Child Language 22 (2), 325-343, 1995
Do infants understand false beliefs? We don’t know yet–A commentary on Baillargeon, Buttelmann and Southgate’s commentary
D Poulin-Dubois, H Rakoczy, K Burnside, C Crivello, S Dörrenberg, ...
Cognitive Development 48, 302-315, 2018
The developmental origins of selective social learning
D Poulin-Dubois, P Brosseau-Liard
Current directions in psychological science 25 (1), 60-64, 2016
Infants' responses to gender‐inconsistent events
LA Serbin, D Poulin‐Dubois, JA Eichstedt
Infancy 3 (4), 531-542, 2002
The language exposure assessment tool: Quantifying language exposure in infants and children
S DeAnda, L Bosch, D Poulin-Dubois, P Zesiger, M Friend
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 59 (6), 1346-1356, 2016
Une adaptation en français québécois du MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory
N Trudeau, I Frank, D Poulin-Dubois
La revue d’orthophonie et d’audiologie 23 (2), 61-73, 1999
Bilingual and monolingual children prefer native-accented speakers
AL Souza, K Byers-Heinlein, D Poulin-Dubois
Frontiers in psychology 4, 953, 2013
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Articles 1–20