Kristina Hanspers
Kristina Hanspers
Gladstone Institutes
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Integration of biological networks and gene expression data using Cytoscape
MS Cline, M Smoot, E Cerami, A Kuchinsky, N Landys, C Workman, ...
Nature protocols 2 (10), 2366-2382, 2007
WikiPathways: a multifaceted pathway database bridging metabolomics to other omics research
DN Slenter, M Kutmon, K Hanspers, A Riutta, J Windsor, N Nunes, ...
Nucleic acids research 46 (D1), D661-D667, 2018
WikiPathways: pathway editing for the people
AR Pico, T Kelder, MP Van Iersel, K Hanspers, BR Conklin, C Evelo
PLoS biology 6 (7), e184, 2008
WikiPathways: connecting communities
M Martens, A Ammar, A Riutta, A Waagmeester, DN Slenter, K Hanspers, ...
Nucleic acids research 49 (D1), D613-D621, 2021
WikiPathways: building research communities on biological pathways
T Kelder, MP Van Iersel, K Hanspers, M Kutmon, BR Conklin, CT Evelo, ...
Nucleic acids research 40 (D1), D1301-D1307, 2012
WikiPathways: capturing the full diversity of pathway knowledge
M Kutmon, A Riutta, N Nunes, K Hanspers, EL Willighagen, A Bohler, ...
Nucleic acids research 44 (D1), D488-D494, 2016
Presenting and exploring biological pathways with PathVisio
MP van Iersel, T Kelder, AR Pico, K Hanspers, S Coort, BR Conklin, ...
BMC bioinformatics 9, 1-9, 2008
GenMAPP 2: new features and resources for pathway analysis
N Salomonis, K Hanspers, AC Zambon, K Vranizan, SC Lawlor, ...
BMC bioinformatics 8, 1-12, 2007
GO-Elite: a flexible solution for pathway and ontology over-representation
AC Zambon, S Gaj, I Ho, K Hanspers, K Vranizan, CT Evelo, BR Conklin, ...
Bioinformatics 28 (16), 2209-2210, 2012
exRNA atlas analysis reveals distinct extracellular RNA cargo types and their carriers present across human biofluids
OD Murillo, W Thistlethwaite, J Rozowsky, SL Subramanian, R Lucero, ...
Cell 177 (2), 463-477. e15, 2019
Spotted long oligonucleotide arrays for human gene expression analysis
A Barczak, MW Rodriguez, K Hanspers, LL Koth, YC Tai, BM Bolstad, ...
Genome research 13 (7), 1775-1785, 2003
The BridgeDb framework: standardized access to gene, protein and metabolite identifier mapping services
MP van Iersel, AR Pico, T Kelder, J Gao, I Ho, K Hanspers, BR Conklin, ...
BMC bioinformatics 11, 1-7, 2010
Fibrin-targeting immunotherapy protects against neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration
JK Ryu, VA Rafalski, A Meyer-Franke, RA Adams, SB Poda, ...
Nature immunology 19 (11), 1212-1223, 2018
Transcriptional profiling and therapeutic targeting of oxidative stress in neuroinflammation
AS Mendiola, JK Ryu, S Bardehle, A Meyer-Franke, KKH Ang, C Wilson, ...
Nature immunology 21 (5), 513-524, 2020
Mining biological pathways using WikiPathways web services
T Kelder, AR Pico, K Hanspers, MP Van Iersel, C Evelo, BR Conklin
PloS one 4 (7), e6447, 2009
Wikidata as a knowledge graph for the life sciences
A Waagmeester, G Stupp, S Burgstaller-Muehlbacher, BM Good, M Griffith, ...
Elife 9, e52614, 2020
WikiPathways 2024: next generation pathway database
A Agrawal, H Balcı, K Hanspers, SL Coort, M Martens, DN Slenter, ...
Nucleic acids research 52 (D1), D679-D689, 2024
Gene expression profiles during human CD4+ T cell differentiation
MS Lee, K Hanspers, CS Barker, AP Korn, JM McCune
International immunology 16 (8), 1109-1124, 2004
Extracellular RNAs are associated with insulin resistance and metabolic phenotypes
R Shah, V Murthy, M Pacold, K Danielson, K Tanriverdi, MG Larson, ...
Diabetes care 40 (4), 546-553, 2017
Alternative splicing in the differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into cardiac precursors
N Salomonis, B Nelson, K Vranizan, AR Pico, K Hanspers, A Kuchinsky, ...
PLoS computational biology 5 (11), e1000553, 2009
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