Sebastian D. Goodfellow
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Cited by
Hydraulic fracture energy budget: Insights from the laboratory
SD Goodfellow, MHB Nasseri, SC Maxwell, RP Young
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (9), 3179-3187, 2015
A laboratory acoustic emission experiment under in situ conditions
SD Goodfellow, RP Young
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (10), 3422-3430, 2014
3-D transport and acoustic properties of Fontainebleau sandstone during true-triaxial deformation experiments
MHB Nasseri, SD Goodfellow, L Lombos, RP Young
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 69, 1-18, 2014
Momentum coefficient as a parameter for aerodynamic flow control with synthetic jets
SD Goodfellow, S Yarusevych, PE Sullivan
AIAA journal 51 (3), 623-631, 2013
Towards understanding ECG rhythm classification using convolutional neural networks and attention mappings
SD Goodfellow, A Goodwin, R Greer, PC Laussen, M Mazwi, D Eytan
Machine learning for healthcare conference, 83-101, 2018
Flow reattachment using synthetic jet actuation on a low-Reynolds-number airfoil
MA Feero, SD Goodfellow, P Lavoie, PE Sullivan
AIAA Journal 53 (7), 2005-2014, 2015
Differentiating wet and dry microseismic events induced during hydraulic fracturing
SC Maxwell, M Mack, F Zhang, D Chorney, SD Goodfellow, M Grob
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, San Antonio, Texas, 20-22 …, 2015
Attenuation properties of fontainebleau sandstone during true-triaxial deformation using active and passive ultrasonics
SD Goodfellow, N Tisato, M Ghofranitabari, MHB Nasseri, RP Young
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 48 (6), 2551-2566, 2015
Microseismic geomechanics of hydraulic-fracture networks: Insights into mechanisms of microseismic sources
SC Maxwell, D Chorney, SD Goodfellow
The Leading Edge 34 (8), 904-910, 2015
Evaluating and reducing cognitive load should be a priority for machine learning in healthcare
DE Ehrmann, SN Gallant, S Nagaraj, SD Goodfellow, D Eytan, ...
Nature Medicine 28 (7), 1331-1333, 2022
Rock type classification based on petrophysical, geochemical, and core imaging data using machine and deep learning techniques
N Houshmand, S GoodFellow, K Esmaeili, JCO Calderón
Applied Computing and Geosciences 16, 100104, 2022
Thermo-hydro-mechanical properties of Cobourg limestone
MHB Nasseri, SD Goodfellow, T Wanne, RP Young
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 61, 212-222, 2013
Prediction of cardiac arrest from physiological signals in the pediatric ICU
S Tonekaboni, M Mazwi, P Laussen, D Eytan, R Greer, SD Goodfellow, ...
Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, 534-550, 2018
A practical approach to storage and retrieval of high-frequency physiological signals
AJ Goodwin, D Eytan, RW Greer, M Mazwi, A Thommandram, ...
Physiological measurement 41 (3), 035008, 2020
Making machine learning matter to clinicians: model actionability in medical decision-making
DE Ehrmann, S Joshi, SD Goodfellow, ML Mazwi, D Eytan
NPJ Digital Medicine 6 (1), 7, 2023
Symptom subtypes and risk of incident cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease in a clinic-based obstructive sleep apnea cohort
AJH Allen, R Jen, DR Mazzotti, BT Keenan, SD Goodfellow, CM Taylor, ...
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 18 (9), 2093-2102, 2022
Atrial fibrillation classification using step-by-step machine learning
SD Goodfellow, A Goodwin, R Greer, PC Laussen, M Mazwi, D Eytan
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 4 (4), 045005, 2018
Domain-specific language models pre-trained on construction management systems corpora
Y Zhong, SD Goodfellow
Automation in Construction 160, 105316, 2024
Association of alternative polysomnographic features with patient outcomes in obstructive sleep apnea: a systematic review
M Hajipour, B Baumann, A Azarbarzin, AJH Allen, Y Liu, S Fels, ...
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 19 (2), 225-242, 2023
Classification of atrial fibrillation using multidisciplinary features and gradient boosting
SD Goodfellow, A Goodwin, R Greer, PC Laussen, M Mazwi, D Eytan
2017 Computing in Cardiology (CinC), 1-4, 2017
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Articles 1–20