Shelley Hoover
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The effect of queen pheromones on worker honey bee ovary development
SER Hoover, CI Keeling, ML Winston, KN Slessor
Naturwissenschaften 90, 477-480, 2003
Warming, CO2, and nitrogen deposition interactively affect a plant‐pollinator mutualism
SER Hoover, JJ Ladley, AA Shchepetkina, M Tisch, SP Gieseg, ...
Ecology Letters, 2012
Genome‐wide analysis reveals differences in brain gene expression patterns associated with caste and reproductive status in honey bees (Apis mellifera)
CM Grozinger, Y Fan, SER Hoover, ML Winston
Molecular ecology 16 (22), 4837-4848, 2007
Species Interactions in Behavioural Responses to a Changing World: Mechanisms and Consequences
S Hoover, J Tylianakis, U Candolin, BBM Wong
Oxford University Press, 2012
Worker honey bee ovary development: seasonal variation and the influence of larval and adult nutrition
SER Hoover, HA Higo, ML Winston
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 176, 55-63, 2006
Pollen collection, honey production, and pollination services: managing honey bees in an agricultural setting
SE Hoover, LP Ovinge
Journal of economic Entomology 111 (4), 1509-1516, 2018
Drifting bumble bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) workers in commercial greenhouses may be social parasites
AL Birmingham, SE Hoover, ML Winston, RC Ydenberg
Canadian Journal of Zoology 82 (12), 1843-1853, 2004
Peptide biomarkers used for the selective breeding of a complex polygenic trait in honey bees
MM Guarna, SE Hoover, E Huxter, H Higo, KM Moon, D Domanski, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 8381, 2017
Retinue attraction and ovary activation: responses of wild type and anarchistic honey bees (Apis mellifera) to queen and brood pheromones
SER Hoover, ML Winston, BP Oldroyd
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 59, 278-284, 2005
Integrative genomics reveals the genetics and evolution of the honey bee’s social immune system
BA Harpur, MM Guarna, E Huxter, H Higo, KM Moon, SE Hoover, ...
Genome Biology and Evolution 11 (3), 937-948, 2019
Pollinators enhance crop yield and shorten the growing season by modulating plant functional characteristics: A comparison of 23 canola varieties
GC Adamidis, RV Cartar, AP Melathopoulos, SF Pernal, SE Hoover
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 14208, 2019
Honey Bee Queen Production: Canadian Costing Case Study and Profitability Analysis
MMG Miriam Bixby, Shelley E. Hoover, Robyn McCallum, Abdullah Ibrahim, Lynae ...
Journal of Economic Entomology 113 (4), 1618-1627, 2020
Anarchistic queen honey bees have normal queen mandibular pheromones
SER Hoover, BP Oldroyd, TC Wossler, ML Winston
Insectes sociaux 52, 6-10, 2005
Consumption of supplemental spring protein feeds by western honey bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies: effects on colony growth and pollination potential
SE Hoover, LP Ovinge, JD Kearns
Journal of Economic Entomology 115 (2), 417-429, 2022
Phenomic analysis of the honey bee pathogen-web and its dynamics on colony productivity, health and social immunity behaviors
RS Borba, SE Hoover, RW Currie, P Giovenazzo, MM Guarna, LJ Foster, ...
Plos one 17 (1), e0263273, 2022
The effect of riparian condition on invertebrate drift in mountain streams
SER Hoover, LGW Shannon, JD Ackerman
Aquatic Sciences 69, 544-553, 2007
Enantiomer preference of Trypodendron lineatum and effect of pheromone dose and trap length on response to lineatin-baited traps in interior British Columbia
SER Hoover, BS Lindgren, CI Keeling, KN Slessor
Journal of chemical ecology 26, 667-677, 2000
A bio-economic case study of Canadian honey bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies: Marker-assisted selection (MAS) in queen breeding affects beekeeper profits
M Bixby, K Baylis, SE Hoover, RW Currie, AP Melathopoulos, SF Pernal, ...
Journal of economic entomology 110 (3), 816-825, 2017
Species interactions
SER Hoover, JM Tylianakis
Behavioural responses to a changing world: mechanisms and consequences, 129-142, 2012
Optimal distributions of central-place foragers: honey bee foraging in a mass flowering crop
SVJ Robinson, SE Hoover, SF Pernal, RV Cartar
Behavioral Ecology 33 (2), 386-397, 2022
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