Abdelbaset R. H. Midawi
Abdelbaset R. H. Midawi
Seinor Engineer, ArcelorMittal
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Influence of martensite-austenite (MA) on impact toughness of X80 line pipe steels
N Huda, ARH Midawi, J Gianetto, R Lazor, AP Gerlich
Materials Science and Engineering: A 662, 481-491, 2016
Mechanical properties and failure behavior of resistance spot welded third-generation advanced high strength steels
M Shojaee, ARH Midawi, B Barber, H Ghassemi-Armaki, M Worswick, ...
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 65, 364-372, 2021
Microstructures and mechanical properties in two X80 weld metals produced using similar heat input
ARH Midawi, EBF Santos, N Huda, AK Sinha, R Lazor, AP Gerlich
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 226, 272-279, 2015
Assessment of yield strength mismatch in X80 pipeline steel welds using instrumented indentation
ARH Midawi, CHM Simha, AP Gerlich
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 168, 258-268, 2018
Dissimilar friction stir welding of thick plate AA5052-AA6061 aluminum alloys: effects of material positioning and tool eccentricity
LH Ahmad Shah, S Sonbolestan, ARH Midawi, S Walbridge, A Gerlich
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 105, 889-904, 2019
Surface hardening of commercially pure titanium by laser nitriding: Response surface analysis
Advances in Engineering Software 41, 674-679, 2010
A review on heat affected zone softening of dual-phase steels during laser welding
MS Khan, M Soleimani, ARH Midawi, I Aderibigbe, YN Zhou, E Biro
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 102, 663-684, 2023
Failure behavior of resistance spot welded advanced high strength steel: The role of surface condition and initial microstructure
A Ghatei-Kalashami, S Zhang, M Shojaee, ARH Midawi, F Goodwin, ...
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 299, 117370, 2022
Microstructural evolution and mechanical behavior of powder metallurgy based SiC/Al–Mg-Sc-Zr nanocomposite subjected to multi-pass friction stir processing
GQ Huang, J Wu, WT Hou, LH Shah, ARH Midawi, AP Gerlich, YF Shen, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 806, 140831, 2021
Continuous cooling transformation behaviour and toughness of heat-affected zones in an X80 line pipe steel
N Huda, A Midawi, JA Gianetto, AP Gerlich
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 12, 613-628, 2021
Optimizing post-weld performance of press-hardened steel resistance spot welds by controlling fusion zone porosity
OT Betiku, M Shojaee, O Sherepenko, ARH Midawi, AM Chertov, ...
Welding in the World 66 (9), 1733-1746, 2022
Influence of tool eccentricity on the material flow and microstructural properties of AA6061 aluminum alloy friction stir welds
LHA Shah, ARH Midawi, S Walbridge, A Gerlich
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 826, 154219, 2020
Elastic-plastic property evaluation using a nearly flat instrumented indenter
ARH Midawi, CHM Simha, MA Gesing, AP Gerlich
International Journal of Solids and Structures 104, 81-91, 2017
Influence of expulsion and heat extraction resulting from changes to electrode force on liquid metal embrittlement during resistance spot welding
S Song, M Shojaee, ARH Midawi, O Sherepenko, H Ghassemi-Armaki, ...
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 23, 1458-1470, 2023
The failure mechanism of resistance spot welded third-generation medium-Mn steel during shear-tension loading
S Sarmast-Ghahfarokhi, S Zhang, ARH Midawi, F Goodwin, YN Zhou
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 79, 520-531, 2022
Novel techniques for estimating yield strength from loads measured using nearly-flat instrumented indenters
ARH Midawi, CHM Simha, AP Gerlich
Materials Science and Engineering: A 675, 449-453, 2016
A comprehensive evaluation of tempering kinetics on 3rd generation advanced high strength steels
DC Ramachandran, ARH Midawi, M Shojaee, O Sherepenko, ...
Materialia 26, 101644, 2022
Influence of loading orientation on mechanical properties of spot welds
M Shojaee, C Tolton, ARH Midawi, C Butcher, H Ghassemi-Armaki, ...
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 224, 107327, 2022
A novel two-step method to prepare fine-grained SiC/Al-Mg-Sc-Zr nanocomposite: Processing, microstructure and mechanical properties
G Huang, J Wu, W Hou, LHA Shah, ARH Midawi, F Cao, A Gerlich, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 823, 141764, 2021
Effect of gap clearance on the mechanical properties of weld-brazed lap joints
YH Cho, MS Khan, ARH Midawi, S Zhang, FE Goodwin, YN Zhou
Manufacturing Letters 35, 20-23, 2023
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