Paul Askey
Paul Askey
Fisheries Scientist, Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC
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Linking angling catch rates and fish learning under catch-and-release regulations
PJ Askey, SA Richards, JR Post, EA Parkinson
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26 (4), 1020-1029, 2006
Detection of outlier loci and their utility for fisheries management
MA Russello, SL Kirk, KK Frazer, PJ Askey
Evolutionary applications 5 (1), 39-52, 2012
A mechanistic understanding of hyperstability in catch per unit effort and density-dependent catchability in a multistock recreational fishery
HGM Ward, PJ Askey, JR Post
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70 (10), 1542-1550, 2013
Linking fish and angler dynamics to assess stocking strategies for hatchery-dependent, open-access recreational fisheries
PJ Askey, EA Parkinson, JR Post
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33 (3), 557-568, 2013
Landscape-scale social and ecological outcomes of dynamic angler and fish behaviours: processes, data, and patterns
TR Carruthers, K Dabrowska, W Haider, EA Parkinson, DA Varkey, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76 (6), 970-988, 2019
Estimation of gillnet efficiency and selectivity across multiple sampling units: A hierarchical Bayesian analysis using mark-recapture data
PJ Askey, JR Post, EA Parkinson, E Rivot, AJ Paul, PA Biro
Fisheries research 83 (2-3), 162-174, 2007
Empirical evidence of plasticity in life-history characteristics across climatic and fish density gradients
HGM Ward, JR Post, NP Lester, PJ Askey, T Godin
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74 (4), 464-474, 2017
Self-regulation of the Okanagan Lake kokanee recreational fishery: Dynamic angler effort response to varying fish abundance and productivity
PJ Askey, NT Johnston
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33 (5), 926-939, 2013
Fish entrainment into irrigation canals: an analytical approach and application to the Bow River, Alberta, Canada
JR Post, BT Poorten, T Rhodes, P Askey, A Paul
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26 (4), 875-887, 2006
Spatial patterns in fish biomass and relative trophic level abundance in a wastewater enriched river
PJ Askey, LK Hogberg, JR Post, LJ Jackson, T Rhodes, MS Thompson
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 16 (3), 343-353, 2007
Distinct diel and seasonal behaviours in rainbow trout detected by fine-scale acoustic telemetry in a lake environment
BM Watson, CA Biagi, SL Northrup, MLA Ohata, C Charles, PJ Blanchfield, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76 (8), 1432-1445, 2019
Mysis in the Okanagan Lake food web: a time-series analysis of interaction strengths in an invaded plankton community
DE Schindler, JL Carter, TB Francis, PJ Lisi, PJ Askey, DC Sebastian
Aquatic Ecology 46, 215-227, 2012
Multi-criteria decision analysis for recreational trout fisheries in British Columbia, Canada: A Bayesian network implementation
DA Varkey, MK McAllister, PJ Askey, E Parkinson, A Clarke, T Godin
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36 (6), 1457-1472, 2016
Angler effort estimates from instantaneous aerial counts: use of high‐frequency time‐lapse camera data to inform model‐based estimators
PJ Askey, H Ward, T Godin, M Boucher, S Northrup
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38 (1), 194-209, 2018
Basin characteristics and temperature improve abundance estimates from standard index netting of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in small lakes
HGM Ward, PJ Askey, JR Post, DA Varkey, MK McAllister
Fisheries Research 131, 52-59, 2012
Managing dynamic fisheries with static regulations: an assessment of size-graded bag limits for recreational kokanee fisheries
PJ Askey
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36 (2), 241-253, 2016
Genetic Stock Identification Reveals That Angler Harvest Is Representative of Cryptic Stock Proportions in a High‐Profile Kokanee Fishery
HGM Ward, PJ Askey, T Weir, KK Frazer, MA Russello
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39 (3), 415-425, 2019
Towards optimal management of spatially-structured, recreational fisheries: linking ecology and angler dynamics in British Columbia rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) lakes
PJ Askey
University of Calgary, Department of Biological Sciences, 2007
Okanagan Fish and Water Management Tools Project Assessments: Brood Year 2006 salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) abundance and biological traits
KD Hyatt, MM Stockwell, H Wright, L Wiens, P Askey
Report to file: JSIDS-SRe, 8-06, 2007
Comparison of known spawner abundance from fence counts to visual counts for simplified spawner estimation methods
PJ Askey, HGM Ward, T Weir, K King
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 80 (12), 1935-1948, 2023
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Articles 1–20