Multiagent reinforcement learning for integrated network of adaptive traffic signal controllers (MARLIN-ATSC): methodology and large-scale application on downtown Toronto S El-Tantawy, B Abdulhai, H Abdelgawad IEEE transactions on Intelligent transportation systems 14 (3), 1140-1150, 2013 | 651 | 2013 |
Design of reinforcement learning parameters for seamless application of adaptive traffic signal control S El-Tantawy, B Abdulhai, H Abdelgawad Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 18 (3), 227-245, 2014 | 182 | 2014 |
An agent-based learning towards decentralized and coordinated traffic signal control S El-Tantawy, B Abdulhai 13th International IEEE conference on intelligent transportation systems …, 2010 | 137 | 2010 |
AI-based adaptive personalized content presentation and exercises navigation for an effective and engaging E-learning platform WS Sayed, AM Noeman, A Abdellatif, M Abdelrazek, MG Badawy, ... Multimedia Tools and Applications 82 (3), 3303-3333, 2023 | 88 | 2023 |
Safety evaluation of truck lane restriction strategies using microsimulation modeling S El-Tantawy, S Djavadian, MJ Roorda, B Abdulhai Transportation research record 2099 (1), 123-131, 2009 | 60 | 2009 |
Towards multi-agent reinforcement learning for integrated network of optimal traffic controllers (MARLIN-OTC) S El-Tantawy, B Abdulhai Transportation Letters 2 (2), 89-110, 2010 | 47 | 2010 |
MARLA-SG: Multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm for efficient demand response in smart grid S Aladdin, S El-Tantawy, MM Fouda, AST Eldien IEEE access 8, 210626-210639, 2020 | 46 | 2020 |
Multi-agent reinforcement learning for integrated and networked adaptive traffic signal control S El-Tantawy, B Abdulhai US Patent 9,818,297, 2017 | 32 | 2017 |
Traffic data fusion using SCAAT Kalman filters YJ Byon, A Shalaby, B Abdulhai, S El-Tantawy Transportation Research Board 89th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2010 | 23 | 2010 |
Big data in ITS: Concept, case studies, opportunities, and challenges KI Moharm, EF Zidane, MM El-Mahdy, S El-Tantawy IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 20 (8), 3189-3194, 2018 | 22 | 2018 |
Assessment of self-learning adaptive traffic signal control on congested urban areas: independent versus coordinated perspectives H Abdelgawad, B Abdulhai, S El-Tantawy, A Hadayeghi, B Zvaniga Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 42 (6), 353-366, 2015 | 17 | 2015 |
End-to-end deep conditional imitation learning for autonomous driving M Abdou, H Kamal, S El-Tantawy, A Abdelkhalek, O Adel, K Hamdy, ... 2019 31st International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM), 346-350, 2019 | 14 | 2019 |
Traffic condition monitoring with SCAAT Kalman filter-based data fusion in Toronto, Canada YJ Byon, A Shalaby, B Abdulhai, CS Cho, H Yeo, S El-Tantawy KSCE journal of civil engineering 23, 810-820, 2019 | 14 | 2019 |
Comprehensive analysis of reinforcement learning methods and parameters for adaptive traffic signal control S El-Tantawy, B Abdulhai Transportation Research Board 90th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2011 | 12 | 2011 |
Towards a learning style and knowledge level-based adaptive personalized platform for an effective and advanced learning for school students WS Sayed, M Gamal, M Abdelrazek, S El-Tantawy Recent Advances in Engineering Mathematics and Physics: Proceedings of the …, 2020 | 10 | 2020 |
Forecasting of renewable energy using ANN, GPANN and ANFIS (A comparative study and performance analysis) OAAA Hussieny, MA El-Beltagy, S El-Tantawy 2020 2nd Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences Conference (NILES …, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
Closed loop optimal adaptive traffic signal and ramp control: A case study on downtown Toronto S El-Tantawy, K Rezaee, B Abdulhai 2015 IEEE 18th international conference on intelligent transportation …, 2015 | 5 | 2015 |
Fuzzy inference system and neuro-fuzzy systems for analog fault diagnosis M El-Gamal, S El-Tantawy Elect. Eng. Res 1 (4), 116-125, 2013 | 5 | 2013 |
Comparative analysis for temporal difference learning methods in adaptive traffic signal control S El-Tantawy, B Abdulhai the 12th World Conf. Transport Research, 2010 | 5 | 2010 |
Frame-based mobility estimation via compressive sensing in delay-tolerant vehicular networks W Alasmary, S Valaee, S El-Tantawy, B Abdulhai 2014 IEEE 6th International Symposium on Wireless Vehicular Communications …, 2014 | 4 | 2014 |