Marty L. Leonard
Marty L. Leonard
Department of Biology, Dalhousie University
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The evolution of begging: competition, cooperation and communication
J Wright, ML Leonard
Springer Science & Business Media, 2002
Sex‐specific, seasonal foraging tactics of adult grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) revealed by state–space analysis
GA Breed, ID Jonsen, RA Myers, WD Bowen, ML Leonard
Ecology 90 (11), 3209-3221, 2009
Sexual segregation of seasonal foraging habitats in a non-migratory marine mammal
GA Breed, WD Bowen, JI McMillan, ML Leonard
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1599), 2319-2326, 2006
Begging and the risk of predation in nestling birds
SM Leech, ML Leonard
Behavioral Ecology 8 (6), 644-646, 1997
Provisioning rules in tree swallows
M Leonard, A Horn
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 38, 341-347, 1996
Do social networks of female northern long-eared bats vary with reproductive period and age?
KJ Patriquin, ML Leonard, HG Broders, CJ Garroway
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64, 899-913, 2010
Calling in the face of danger: predation risk and acoustic communication by parent birds and their offspring
RD Magrath, TM Haff, AG Horn, ML Leonard
Advances in the Study of Behavior 41, 187-253, 2010
Ambient noise and the design of begging signals
ML Leonard, AG Horn
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272 (1563), 651-656, 2005
Need and nestmates affect begging in tree swallows
ML Leonard, AG Horn
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 42, 431-436, 1998
Frequency Variation in Songs of Black-Capped Chickadees (Parus Atricapillus)
AG Horn, ML Leonard, L Ratcliffe, SA Shackleton, RG Weisman
The Auk 109 (4), 847-852, 1992
Crowing in relation to status in roosters
ML Leonard, AG Horn
Animal Behaviour 49 (5), 1283-1290, 1995
Does ambient noise affect growth and begging call structure in nestling birds?
ML Leonard, AG Horn
Behavioral Ecology 19 (3), 502-507, 2008
Begging calls and parental feeding decisions in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor)
ML Leonard, AG Horn
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 49, 170-175, 2001
Ambient noise increases missed detections in nestling birds
ML Leonard, AG Horn
Biology letters 8 (4), 530-532, 2012
Is there an energetic cost to begging in nestling tree swallows ( Tachycineta bicolor) ?
SM Leech, ML Leonard
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1996
Observer effects and avian-call-count survey quality: rare-species biases and overconfidence
RG Farmer, ML Leonard, AG Horn
The Auk 129 (1), 76-86, 2012
Oxygen consumption during crowing by roosters: talk is cheap
AG Horn, ML Leonard, DM Weary
Animal Behaviour 50 (5), 1171-1175, 1995
Constructing and evaluating a continent‐wide migratory songbird network across the annual cycle
SM Knight, DW Bradley, RG Clark, EA Gow, M Bélisle, LL Berzins, T Blake, ...
Ecological Monographs 88 (3), 445-460, 2018
Brood size and begging intensity in nestling birds
ML Leonard, AG Horn, A Gozna, S Ramen
Behavioral Ecology 11 (2), 196-201, 2000
Acoustic signalling of hunger and thermal state by nestling tree swallows
ML Leonard, AG Horn
Animal behaviour 61 (1), 87-93, 2001
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Articles 1–20