Venkataraman Sundareswaran
Venkataraman Sundareswaran
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Dynamic visual registration of a 3-D object with a graphical model
V Sundareswaran, RW Behringer
US Patent 6,330,356, 2001
Perceptual recalibration in human sound localization: Learning to remediate front-back reversals
P Zahorik, P Bangayan, V Sundareswaran, K Wang, C Tam
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 120 (1), 343-359, 2006
Learning to ignore: Psychophysics and computational modeling of fast learning of direction in noisy motion stimuli
LM Vaina, V Sundareswaran, JG Harris
Cognitive Brain Research 2 (3), 155-163, 1995
Motion parameter estimation from global flow field data
R Hummel, V Sundareswaran
IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 15 (5), 459-476, 1993
Model-based visual tracking for outdoor augmented reality applications
R Behringer, J Park, V Sundareswaran
Proceedings. international symposium on mixed and augmented reality, 277-322, 2002
Visual servoing-based augmented reality
V Sundareswaran, R Behringer
IWAR’98: Proceedings of the international workshop on Augmented reality …, 1999
3D audio augmented reality: implementation and experiments
V Sundareswaran, K Wang, S Chen, R Behringer, J McGee, C Tam, ...
The Second IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented …, 2003
Terramax™: Team oshkosh urban robot
YL Chen, V Sundareswaran, C Anderson, A Broggi, P Grisleri, PP Porta, ...
Journal of Field Robotics 25 (10), 841-860, 2008
Optic flow and beyond
LM Vaina, SA Beardsley, SK Rushton
Springer Science & Business Media, 2004
Egomotion from global flow field data
V Sundareswaran
Proceedings of the IEEE workshop on visual motion, 140,141,142,143,144,145 …, 1991
Exploiting image motion for active vision in a visual servoing framework
V Sundareswaran, P Bouthemy, F Chaumette
International Journal of Robotics Research 15 (6), 629-645, 1996
Localization accuracy in 3D sound displays: The role of visual-feedback training
P Zahorik, C Tam, K Wang, P Bangayan, V Sundareswaran
Proceedings of the advanced displays and interactive displays federal …, 2001
Terramax: Team oshkosh urban robot
YL Chen, V Sundareswaran, C Anderson, A Broggi, P Grisleri, PP Porta, ...
The DARPA Urban Challenge: Autonomous Vehicles in City Traffic, 595-622, 2009
Integrated multimodal human-computer interface and Augmented Reality for interactive display applications
MS Vassiliou, V Sundareswaran, S Chen, R Behringer, CK Tam, M Chan, ...
Cockpit Displays VII: Displays for Defense Applications 4022, 106-115, 2000
A distributed device diagnostics system utilizing augmented reality and 3D audio
R Behringer, S Chen, V Sundareswaran, K Wang, M Vassiliou
Virtual Environments’ 99: Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Vienna …, 1999
Learning direction in global motion: Two classes of psychophysically-motivated models
V Sundareswaran, L Vaina
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7, 1994
Internet of things and data analytics handbook
G Hwaiyu, J McKeeth
New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2017
Active camera self-orientation using dynamic image parameters
V Sundareswaran, P Bouthemy, F Chaumette
Computer Vision—ECCV'94: Third European Conference on Computer Vision …, 1994
A novel interface for device diagnostics using speech recognition, augmented reality visualization, and 3D audio auralization
R Behringer, S Chen, V Sundareswaran, K Wang, M Vassiliou
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and …, 1999
Autonomous collaborative mission systems (ACMS) for multi-UAV missions
YL Chen, M Peot, J Lee, V Sundareswaran, T Altshuler
Defense Transformation and Network-Centric Systems 5820, 152-159, 2005
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Articles 1–20