Christiane Uhlig
Christiane Uhlig
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The impact of temperature on marine phytoplankton resource allocation and metabolism
A Toseland, SJ Daines, JR Clark, A Kirkham, J Strauss, C Uhlig, ...
Nature Climate Change 3 (11), 979, 2013
Evolutionary genomics of the cold-adapted diatom Fragilariopsis cylindrus
T Mock, RP Otillar, J Strauss, M McMullan, P Paajanen, J Schmutz, ...
Nature 541 (7638), 536, 2017
Ikaite (CaCO3. 6H2O) discovered in Arctic sea ice
G Dieckmann, G Nehrke, C Uhlig, J Göttlicher, S Gerland, MA Granskog, ...
The Cryosphere 4, 227-230, 2010
Antifreeze proteins in polar sea ice diatoms: diversity and gene expression in the genus Fragilariopsis
M Bayer‐Giraldi, C Uhlig, U John, T Mock, K Valentin
Environmental microbiology 12 (4), 1041-1052, 2010
The Transpolar Drift conveys methane from the Siberian Shelf to the central Arctic Ocean
E Damm, D Bauch, T Krumpen, B Rabe, M Korhonen, E Vinogradova, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 4515, 2018
Heterologous expression, refolding and functional characterization of two antifreeze proteins from Fragilariopsis cylindrus (Bacillariophyceae)
C Uhlig, J Kabisch, GJ Palm, K Valentin, T Schweder, A Krell
Cryobiology 63 (3), 220-228, 2011
In situ expression of eukaryotic ice-binding proteins in microbial communities of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice
C Uhlig, F Kilpert, S Frickenhaus, JU Kegel, A Krell, T Mock, K Valentin, ...
The ISME journal 9 (11), 2537, 2015
Methane-oxidizing seawater microbial communities from an Arctic shelf
C Uhlig, JB Kirkpatrick, S D'Hondt, B Loose
Biogeosciences 15, 3311-3329, 2018
Biogeochemical Impact of Snow Cover and Cyclonic Intrusions on the Winter Weddell Sea Ice Pack
JL Tison, S Schwegmann, G Dieckmann, JM Rintala, H Meyer, S Moreau, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2017
Sea Ice and Water Mass Influence Dimethylsulfide Concentrations in the Central Arctic Ocean
C Uhlig, E Damm, I Peeken, T Krumpen, B Rabe, M Korhonen, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 7, 179, 2019
Using stable isotopes and gas concentrations for independent constraints on microbial methane oxidation at Arctic Ocean temperatures
C Uhlig, B Loose
Limnology&Ocanography: Methods, 2017
Variability in sulfur isotope composition suggests unique dimethylsulfoniopropionate cycling and microalgae metabolism in Antarctic sea ice
G Carnat, W Said-Ahmad, F Fripiat, B Wittek, JL Tison, C Uhlig, A Amrani
Communications Biology 1 (1), 212, 2018
Dimethyl sulfide and dimethylsulfoniopropionate profiles from winter sea ice-Influence of physical parameters and speciation
C Uhlig, J Rintala, JL Tison, G Carnat, G Dieckmann, B Delille, E Damm
Living inside Sea Ice-Distribution and Functional Characterisation of Antifreeze Proteins in Polar Diatoms
C Uhlig
University Bremen, 2011
Anti-Freeze-Proteine in Meereisdiatomeen Ihre Diversität und Expression am Beispiel von Fragilariopsis curta
C Uhlig
Diplomarbeit., 2006
Organic sulphur compounds in sea ice and seawater in the central Arctic Ocean
C Uhlig, EL Vinogradova, I Peeken, E Damm
Delta 13C values of methane in sea ice-source or process triggered?
E Damm, D Bauch, C Uhlig, MJ Verdugo, M Liira, E Vinogradova, ...
Cracking the lid - Methane cycling beneath thinning sea ice
C Uhlig, JB Kirkpatrick, B Loose
ASLO 2017, 2017
Oxidation or Escape: What Happens to Methane Trapped at the Ice-Water Interface?
C Uhlig, JB Kirkpatrick, B Loose
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2016
Ciclo del metano. Un gas de efecto invernadero, en el hielo marino y agua de mar.
C Uhlig, E Vinogradova, E Damm
Okeanos. Revista de la Sociedad Atlántica de Oceanógrafos 3, 2016
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Articles 1–20