Peter A. Fisher
Peter A. Fisher
Assistant Professor, Ted Rogers School of Management, Toronto Metropolitan University
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Cited by
Cited by
A latent profile analysis of the Five Factor Model of personality: A constructive replication and extension
PA Fisher, C Robie
Personality and Individual Differences 139, 343-348, 2019
International comparison of gender differences in the five-factor model of personality: An investigation across 105 countries
SA Murphy, PA Fisher, C Robie
Journal of Research in Personality 90, 104047, 2021
Criterion-related Validity of Forced-Choice Personality Measures: A Cautionary Note Regarding Thurstonian IRT versus Classical Test Theory Scoring
PA Fisher, C Robie, ND Christiansen, AB Speer, L Schneider
Personnel Assessment and Decisions 5 (1), 3, 2019
Selection Myths
PA Fisher, SD Risavy, C Robie, CJ König, ND Christiansen, RP Tett, ...
Journal of Personnel Psychology, 2020
Selection Tool Use: A Focus on Personality Testing in Canada, the United States, and Germany
SD Risavy, PA Fisher, C Robie, CJ König
Personnel Assessment and Decisions 5 (1), 4, 2019
The impact of psychopathy and warnings on faking behavior: A multisaturation perspective
PA Fisher, C Robie, ND Christiansen, S Komar
Personality and Individual Differences 127, 39-43, 2018
Factors affecting compliance with reference check requests
CA Hedricks, DD Rupayana, PA Fisher, C Robie
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 27 (2), 139-151, 2019
Hiding in Plain Sight: Identifying Computational Thinking in the Ontario Elementary School Curriculum
EJV Hennessey, J Mueller, D Beckett, PA Fisher
Journal of Curriculum and Teaching 6 (1), 79, 2017
Resumes vs. application forms: Why the stubborn reliance on resumes?
SD Risavy, C Robie, PA Fisher, S Rasheed
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 884205, 2022
International comparison of group differences in general mental ability for immigrants versus non‐immigrants
C Robie, ND Christiansen, PA Hausdorf, SA Murphy, PA Fisher, ...
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 25 (4), 347-359, 2017
Selection tool use in Canadian tech companies: Assessing and explaining the research–practice gap.
SD Risavy, C Robie, PA Fisher, J Komar, A Perossa
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du …, 2021
Little cause for concern: Analysis of gender effects in structured employment references
PA Fisher, C Robie, CA Hedricks, DD Rupayana, L Puchalski
International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 2022
Tilting at windmills and improving personality assessment practices
ND Christiansen, PA Fisher, C Robie, S Quirk
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 12 (2), 177-183, 2019
“Pounding the Pavement” in the 21st Century: A Review of Literature Regarding Organizational Recruitment Websites
SM Murphy, PA Fisher, LM Keeping, DA Brown
The Brave New World of eHRM 2.0, 11-46, 2018
Effects of a neutral response option on occupational interest circumplex fit
S Rasheed, C Robie, PA Fisher
Psychological Test Adaptation and Development, 2023
Articulated Thoughts in a Simulated Situation
P Fisher, C Robie
Approaches to Preventing Applicants from Faking Personality Assessments: Construct Contamination Under Faking Conditions
PA Fisher
Wilfrid Laurier University, 2022
Selection myths: A conceptual replication of HR professionals’ beliefs about effective human resource practices in the US and Canada.
PA Fisher, SD Risavy, C Robie, CJ König, ND Christiansen, RP Tett, ...
Journal of Personnel Psychology 20 (2), 51, 2021
Selection myths: A conceptual replication of HR professionals’ beliefs about effective human resource practices in the US and Canada.
PA Fisher, SD Risavy, C Robie, CJ König, ND Christiansen, RP Tett, ...
Journal of Personnel Psychology 20 (2), 51, 2021
Caliper Profile
PA Fisher, C Robie
Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, 1-4, 2017
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Articles 1–20