Melisew Tefera Belachew (PhD)
Melisew Tefera Belachew (PhD)
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Haramaya University, Ethiopia
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Cited by
Solving the maximum clique problem with symmetric rank-one non-negative matrix approximation
MT Belachew, N Gillis
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 173, 279-296, 2017
Efficient algorithm for sparse symmetric nonnegative matrix factorization
MT Belachew
Pattern Recognition Letters 125, 735-741, 2019
Controllable M/M/2 machine repair problem with multiple working vacations and triadic (0,Q,N,M) policy
T Ketema, S Demie, MT Belachew
International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management 16 (3 …, 2021
Sixth-order compact finite difference scheme with discrete sine transform for solving Poisson equations with Dirichlet boundary conditions
AH Gatiso, MT Belachew, GA Wolle
Results in Applied Mathematics 10, 100148, 2021
A numerical method using Laplace-like transform and variational theory for solving time-fractional nonlinear partial differential equations with proportional delay
AS Bekela, MT Belachew, GA Wole
Advances in Difference Equations 2020 (1), 586, 2020
Stochastic model of tuberculosis with vaccination of newborns
GT Tilahun, MT Belachew, Z Gebreselassie
Advances in Difference Equations 2020 (1), 658, 2020
Hybrid projective nonnegative matrix factorization based on α-divergence and the alternating least squares algorithm
MT Belachew, N Del Buono
Applied Mathematics and Computation 369, 124825, 2020
Robust embedded projective nonnegative matrix factorization for image analysis and feature extraction
MT Belachew, N Del Buono
Pattern Analysis and Applications 20, 1045-1060, 2017
Nmf-based algorithms for data mining and analysis: Feature extraction, clustering, and maximum clique finding
MT Belachew
Phd thesis, 2014. URL https://galileo. dm. uniba. it/dottorato/dottorato-di …, 2014
A dynamical system approach for continuous nonnegative matrix factorization
MT Belachew, N Del Buono
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 14 (1), 14, 2017
Coordinate Descent‐Based Sparse Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Robust Cancer‐Class Discovery and Microarray Data Analysis
MT Belachew
Journal of Applied Mathematics 2021 (1), 6675829, 2021
Preconditioning Dense Complex Linear Systems from a VIM Discretization
MT Belachew
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2011
Research Article Coordinate Descent-Based Sparse Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Robust Cancer-Class Discovery and Microarray Data Analysis
MT Belachew
Results in Applied Mathematics
AH Gatiso, MT Belachew, GA Wolle
Nonnegative Matrix Factorization based on the Solution of Systems of ODEs
MT Belachew, N DEL BUONO
Technical Report Department of Mathematics, University of Bari Aldo Moro, 2014
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Articles 1–15