Morteza Osanloo
Morteza Osanloo
Amirkabir University of Tecnology (Tehran Polytechnique)
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Long-term open pit mine production planning: a review of models and algorithms
M Osanloo, J Gholamnejad, B Karimi
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment 22 (1), 3-35, 2008
Deriving preference order of open pit mines equipment through MADM methods: Application of modified VIKOR method
AA Bazzazi, M Osanloo, B Karimi
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (3), 2550-2556, 2011
Effect of grout pressure and grout flow on soil physical and mechanical properties in jet grouting operations
B Nikbakhtan, M Osanloo
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 46 (3), 498-505, 2009
An analytical approach with a reliable logic and a ranking policy for post-mining land-use determination
H Soltanmohammadi, M Osanloo, AA Bazzazi
Land use policy 27 (2), 364-372, 2010
Multiple regression, ANN and ANFIS models for prediction of backbreak in the open pit blasting
M Esmaeili, M Osanloo, F Rashidinejad, A Aghajani Bazzazi, M Taji
Engineering with computers 30, 549-558, 2014
Using a combination of genetic algorithm and the grid search method to determine optimum cutoff grades of multiple metal deposits
M Ataei, M Osanloo
International Journal of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Environment 18 (1 …, 2004
A new classification system for evaluating rock penetrability
SH Hoseinie, M Ataei, M Osanloo
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 46 (8), 1329-1340, 2009
Adverse effects of coal mine waste dumps on the environment and their management
N Adibee, M Osanloo, M Rahmanpour
Environmental earth sciences 70, 1581-1592, 2013
Desulfurization of Tabas coal with microwave irradiation/peroxyacetic acid washing at 25, 55 and 85 C
E Jorjani, B Rezai, M Vossoughi, M Osanloo
Fuel 83 (7-8), 943-949, 2004
A new approach to mining method selection based on modifying the Nicholas technique
A Azadeh, M Osanloo, M Ataei
Applied Soft Computing 10 (4), 1040-1061, 2010
Using equivalent grade factors to find the optimum cut-off grades of multiple metal deposits
M Osanloo, M Ataei
Minerals Engineering 16 (8), 771-776, 2003
Mine closure risk management: An integration of 3D risk model and MCDM techniques
S Amirshenava, M Osanloo
Journal of cleaner production 184, 389-401, 2018
Prediction of blast induced ground vibration (BIGV) of quarry mining using hybrid genetic algorithm optimized artificial neural network
Y Azimi, SH Khoshrou, M Osanloo
Measurement 147, 106874, 2019
Prediction of the blastability designation of rock masses using fuzzy sets
Y Azimi, M Osanloo, M Aakbarpour-Shirazi, AA Bazzazi
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 47 (7), 1126-1140, 2010
Incorporating environmental issues into optimum cut-off grades modeling at porphyry copper deposits
M Osanloo, F Rashidinejad, B Rezai
Resources Policy 33 (4), 222-229, 2008
A stochastic simulation framework for truck and shovel selection and sizing in open pit mines
SR Dindarloo, M Osanloo, S Frimpong
Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 115 (3 …, 2015
Deriving preference order of post-mining land-uses through MLSA framework: application of an outranking technique
H Soltanmohammadi, M Osanloo, A Aghajani Bazzazi
Environmental geology 58, 877-888, 2009
In-pit crushing and conveying technology in open-pit mining operations: a literature review and research agenda
M Osanloo, M Paricheh
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment 34 (6), 430-457, 2020
Achieving to some outranking relationships between post mining land uses through mined land suitability analysis
H Soltanmohammadi, M Osanloo, B Rezaei, A Aghajani Bazzazi
International journal of environmental science & technology 5, 535-546, 2008
Mining capital cost estimation using Support Vector Regression (SVR)
H Nourali, M Osanloo
Resources Policy 62, 527-540, 2019
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Articles 1–20