Raymond A. Patterson
Raymond A. Patterson
Professor of Business Technology Management, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
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Cited by
The design of reverse distribution networks: models and solution procedures
V Jayaraman, RA Patterson, E Rolland
European journal of operational research 150 (1), 128-149, 2003
Information quality in Wikipedia: The effects of group composition and task conflict
O Arazy, O Nov, R Patterson, L Yeo
Journal of management information systems 27 (4), 71-98, 2011
Decision support for disaster management
E Rolland, RA Patterson, K Ward, B Dodin
Operations Management Research 3, 68-79, 2010
Modeling customer satisfaction from unstructured data using a Bayesian approach
M Farhadloo, RA Patterson, E Rolland
Decision Support Systems 90, 1-11, 2016
Wisdom of the crowds: Decentralized knowledge construction in Wikipedia
O Arazy, W Morgan, R Patterson
16th Annual Workshop on Information Technologies & Systems (WITS) Paper, 2006
Wiki deployment in corporate settings
O Arazy, I Gellatly, S Jang, R Patterson
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 28 (2), 57-64, 2009
Research note—information technology, contract completeness, and buyer-supplier relationships
RD Banker, J Kalvenes, RA Patterson
Information Systems Research 17 (2), 180-193, 2006
Traffic grooming in a multi-layer network
A Lardies, R Gupta, RA Patterson
Optical Network Magazine, 2001
Grooming telecommunications networks: Optimization models and methods
RS Barr, MS Kingsley, RA Patterson
Technical report 05-EMIS-03, 2005
Improving outpatient health care quality: understanding the quality dimensions
KF Ward, E Rolland, RA Patterson
Health Care Management Review 30 (4), 361-371, 2005
A Memory Adaptive Reasoning Technique for Solving the Capacitated Minimum Spanning Tree Problem
R Patterson, E Rolland, H Pirkul
Journal of Heuristics, 1999
The network design problem with relays
EA Cabral, E Erkut, G Laporte, RA Patterson
European Journal of Operational Research 180 (2), 834-844, 2007
How much to share with third parties? User privacy concerns and website dilemmas
RD Gopal, H Hidaji, RA Patterson, E Rolland, D Zhdanov
Mis Quarterly 42 (1), 143-A25, 2018
Risk mitigation decisions for IT security
ML Yeo, E Rolland, JR Ulmer, RA Patterson
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS) 5 (1), 1-21, 2014
Market impact on IT security spending
B Kolfal, RA Patterson, ML Yeo
Decision Sciences 44 (3), 517-556, 2013
Hybrid fiber coaxial network design
RA Patterson, E Rolland
Operations Research 50 (3), 538-551, 2002
Dynamic capabilities and e‐service
E Rolland, RA Patterson, KF Ward
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de …, 2009
Solving resource-constrained multi-project environment under different activity assumptions
SB Issa, RA Patterson, Y Tu
International Journal of Production Economics 232, 107936, 2021
Integration of E-CRM in healthcare services: a framework for analysis
LC Burr, RA Patterson, E Rolland, KF Ward
International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR) 3 (2), 1-12, 2007
The cardinality constrained covering traveling salesman problem
R Patterson, E Rolland
Computers & Operations Research 30 (1), 97-116, 2003
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Articles 1–20