A hybrid recommendation approach for a tourism system JP Lucas, N Luz, MN Moreno, R Anacleto, AA Figueiredo, C Martins Expert systems with applications 40 (9), 3532-3550, 2013 | 249 | 2013 |
Mobile application to provide personalized sightseeing tours R Anacleto, L Figueiredo, A Almeida, P Novais Journal of Network and Computer Applications 41, 56-64, 2014 | 108 | 2014 |
Using POI functionality and accessibility levels for delivering personalized tourism recommendations F Santos, A Almeida, C Martins, R Gonçalves, J Martins Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 77, 101173, 2019 | 80 | 2019 |
Papel do trabalho experimental na Educação em Ciências AM Almeida Comunicar ciência 1 (1), 51-74, 1998 | 62 | 1998 |
A comparative analysis of open source business intelligence platforms J Lapa, J Bernardino, A Figueiredo Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems and …, 2014 | 59 | 2014 |
A global perspective on an emotional learning model proposal AR Faria, A Almeida, C Martins, R Gonçalves, J Martins, F Branco Telematics and Informatics 34 (6), 824-837, 2017 | 51 | 2017 |
Adaptive tourism modeling and socialization system B Coelho, C Martins, A Almeida 2009 international conference on computational science and engineering 4 …, 2009 | 31 | 2009 |
Ensino Experimental das Ciências-(Re) Pensar o Ensino das Ciências A Almeida, A Mateus, A Veríssimo, J Serra, JM Alves, L Dourado, ... Departamento do Ensino Secundário–Ministério da Educação, Lisboa, 2001 | 28 | 2001 |
Scheduling manufacturing tasks considering due dates: a new method based on behaviours and agendas C Ramos, A Almeida, Z Vale Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Industrial and …, 1995 | 24 | 1995 |
Recommendation and planning through mobile devices in tourism context R Anacleto, L Figueiredo, N Luz, A Almeida, P Novais Ambient Intelligence-Software and Applications: 2nd International Symposium …, 2011 | 23 | 2011 |
Shopping center tracking and recommendation systems R Anacleto, N Luz, A Almeida, L Figueiredo, P Novais Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications, 6th …, 2011 | 22 | 2011 |
Personalized sightseeing tours support using mobile devices R Anacleto, N Luz, L Figueiredo IFIP Human-Computer Interaction Symposium, 301-304, 2010 | 22 | 2010 |
Actitudes hacia la homosexualidad en adolescentes gallegos/as: aportaciones de la Pedagogía Queer MV Carrera-Fernández, AM Almeida, XM Cid-Fernández, ... Revista de estudios e investigación en psicología y educación, 30-34, 2017 | 21 | 2017 |
pensar o Ensino das Ciências A Almeida, A Mateus, A Veríssimo, J Serra, JM Alves, L Dourado, ... Educação em ciências e trabalho experimental: emergência de uma nova …, 2001 | 20 | 2001 |
Smart coach—a recommendation system for young football athletes P Matos, J Rocha, R Gonçalves, A Almeida, F Santos, D Abreu, C Martins Ambient Intelligence–Software and Applications–, 10th International …, 2020 | 19 | 2020 |
Geo-localization system for people with cognitive disabilities J Ramos, R Anacleto, P Novais, L Figueiredo, A Almeida, J Neves Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems: 11th …, 2013 | 19 | 2013 |
Orientation system for people with cognitive disabilities J Ramos, R Anacleto, Â Costa, P Novais, L Figueiredo, A Almeida Ambient Intelligence-Software and Applications: 3rd International Symposium …, 2012 | 19 | 2012 |
Tourism Recommendation System based in user's profile and functionality levels F Santos, A Almeida, C Martins, P Oliveira, R Gonçalves Proceedings of the ninth international C* conference on computer science …, 2016 | 18 | 2016 |
Personality traits, learning preferences and emotions AR Faria, A Almeida, C Martins, R Gonçalves, L Figueiredo Proceedings of the Eighth International C* Conference on Computer Science …, 2015 | 18 | 2015 |
Localization system for pedestrians based on sensor and information fusion R Anacleto, L Figueiredo, A Almeida, P Novais 17th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), 1-8, 2014 | 17 | 2014 |