Xin Yi
Cited by
Cited by
Generative adversarial network in medical imaging: A review
X Yi, E Walia, P Babyn
Medical image analysis 58, 101552, 2019
Sharpness-aware low-dose CT denoising using conditional generative adversarial network
X Yi, P Babyn
Journal of digital imaging 31, 655-669, 2018
LBP-based segmentation of defocus blur
X Yi, M Eramian
IEEE transactions on image processing 25 (4), 1626-1638, 2016
Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning with categorical generative adversarial networks assisted by wasserstein distance for dermoscopy image classification
X Yi, E Walia, P Babyn
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.03700, 2018
Artificial intelligence solutions for analysis of X-ray images
SJ Adams, RDE Henderson, X Yi, P Babyn
Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 72 (1), 60-72, 2021
Automatic catheter and tube detection in pediatric x-ray images using a scale-recurrent network and synthetic data
X Yi, S Adams, P Babyn, A Elnajmi
Journal of digital imaging 33, 181-190, 2020
Computer-aided assessment of catheters and tubes on radiographs: how good is artificial intelligence for assessment?
X Yi, SJ Adams, RDE Henderson, P Babyn
Radiology: Artificial Intelligence 2 (1), e190082, 2020
Automatic detection and classification of multiple catheters in neonatal radiographs with deep learning
RDE Henderson, X Yi, SJ Adams, P Babyn
Journal of digital imaging 34 (4), 888-897, 2021
Identification of morphologically similar seeds using multi-kernel learning
X Yi, M Eramian, R Wang, E Neufeld
2014 Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, 143-150, 2014
Neonatal Catheter and Tube Placement and Radiographic Assessment Statistics in Relation to Important Anatomic Landmarks
RDE Henderson, S Padash, SJ Adams, C Augusta, X Yi, P Babyn
American Journal of Perinatology 41 (S 01), e2299-e2306, 2024
Fully-automated deep learning-based flow quantification of 2D CINE phase contrast MRI
M Pradella, MB Scott, M Omer, SK Hill, L Lockhart, X Yi, A Amir-Khalili, ...
European Radiology 33 (3), 1707-1718, 2023
Seed Identification Using Computer Vision—A Proof of Concept Study
X Yi, M Eramian, R Wang, J Neudorf, A Salzl, J Maruschak
Seed Technology, 93-100, 2016
Plant Seed Identification
X Yi
University of Saskatchewan, 2017
Automatic Landing Zone Plane Detection in Contrast-Enhanced Cardiac CT Volumes
L Lockhart, X Yi, N Cassady, A Nunn, C Swingen, A Amir-Khalili
International Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of …, 2023
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Articles 1–14