Raquel Monclús
Raquel Monclús
Associate Professor, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
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Behavioural and physiological responses of naive European rabbits to predator odour
R Monclús, HG Rödel, D Von Holst, J De Miguel
Animal Behaviour 70, 753-761, 2005
Testing the threat-sensitive predator avoidance hypothesis: physiological responses and predator pressure in wild rabbits
R Monclús, F Palomares, Z Tablado, A Martínez-Fontúrbel, R Palme
Oecologia 158, 615-623, 2009
Non-invasive measurement of the physiological stress response of wild rabbits to the odour of a predator
R Monclús, HG Rödel, R Palme, D Von Holst, J De Miguel
Chemoecology 16, 25-29, 2006
Quantifying human disturbance on antipredator behavior and flush initiation distance in yellow-bellied marmots
C Li, R Monclús, TL Maul, Z Jiang, DT Blumstein
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 129, 146-152, 2011
Fecal glucocorticoid metabolites in wild yellow-bellied marmots: Experimental validation, individual differences and ecological correlates
JE Smith, R Monclús, D Wantuck, GL Florant, DT Blumstein
General and Comparative Endocrinology 178, 417-426, 2012
Behavioral styles in European rabbits: social interactions and responses to experimental stressors
HG Rödel, R Monclús, D von Holst
Physiology & Behavior 89, 180-188, 2006
Older mothers follow conservative strategies under predator pressure: the adaptive role of maternal glucocorticoids in yellow-bellied marmots
R Monclús, J Tiulim, DT Blumstein
Hormones and Behavior 60, 660-665, 2011
Fox odour increases vigilance in European rabbits: a study under semi‐natural conditions
R Monclús, HG Rödel, D Von Holst
Ethology 112, 1186-1193, 2006
Intrauterine position as a predictor of postnatal growth and survival in the rabbit
A Bautista, HG Rödel, R Monclús, M Juárez-Romero, E Cruz-Sánchez, ...
Physiology & Behavior 138, 101-106, 2015
Litter sex composition affects life‐history traits in yellow‐bellied marmots
R Monclús, DT Blumstein
Journal of Animal Ecology 81, 80-86, 2012
Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) use rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) scent marks as territorial marking sites
R Monclús, M Arroyo, A Valencia, FJ De Miguel
Journal of Ethology 27, 153-156, 2009
Long-term consequences of early development on personality traits: a study in European rabbits
HG Rödel, R Monclús
Behavioral Ecology 22, 1123–1130, 2011
Paying the energetic costs of reproduction: reliance on postpartum foraging and stored reserves
HG Rödel, TG Valencak, A Handrek, R Monclús
Behavioral Ecology 27, 748-756, 2016
Context-dependent responses to neighbours and strangers in wild European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
R Monclús, I Saavedra, J de Miguel
Behavioural Processes 106, 17-21, 2014
Different forms of vigilance in response to the presence of predators and conspecifics in a group‐living mammal, the European Rabbit
R Monclus, HG Rödel
Ethology 114 (3), 287-297, 2008
Distribución espacial de las letrinas de conejo (Oryctolagus cuniculus) en el monte de Valdelatas (Madrid)
R Monclús, FJ De Miguel
Galemys 15, 157-165, 2003
Long‐term effects of litter sex ratio on female reproduction in two iteroparous mammals
R Monclús, D Holst, DT Blumstein, HG Rödel
Functional Ecology 28, 954-962, 2014
Harsh conditions during early development influence telomere length in an altricial passerine: Links with oxidative stress and corticosteroids
D Gil, S Alfonso‐Iñiguez, L Pérez‐Rodríguez, J Muriel, R Monclús
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 32, 111-125, 2019
Do yellow‐bellied marmots perceive enhanced predation risk when they are farther from safety? An experimental study
R Monclús, AM Anderson, DT Blumstein
Ethology 121, 831-839, 2015
Masculinized female yellow-bellied marmots initiate more social interactions
R Monclús, T Cook, DT Blumstein
Biology Letters 8, 208-210, 2011
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Articles 1–20