Ido Pen
Cited by
Cited by
Cooperation and competition between relatives
SA West, I Pen, AS Griffin
Science 296 (5565), 72-75, 2002
Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality
P Abbot, J Abe, J Alcock, S Alizon, JAC Alpedrinha, M Andersson, ...
Nature 471 (7339), E1-E4, 2011
Geographical patterns of adaptation within a species’ range: interactions between drift and gene flow
M Alleaume‐Benharira, IR Pen, O Ronce
Journal of evolutionary biology 19 (1), 203-215, 2006
A guide to sexual selection theory
B Kuijper, I Pen, FJ Weissing
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 43 (1), 287-311, 2012
Adaptive sex allocation in birds: the complexities of linking theory and practice
J Komdeur, I Pen
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B …, 2002
An evolutionary perspective on self-organized division of labor in social insects
A Duarte, FJ Weissing, I Pen, L Keller
Annual review of ecology, evolution, and systematics 42 (1), 91-110, 2011
Sanctions and mutualism stability: when should less beneficial mutualists be tolerated?
SA West, ET Kiers, I Pen, RF Denison
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 15 (5), 830-837, 2002
Climate-driven population divergence in sex-determining systems
I Pen, T Uller, B Feldmeyer, A Harts, GM While, E Wapstra
Nature 468 (7322), 436-438, 2010
Three epigenetic information channels and their different roles in evolution
N Shea, I Pen, T Uller
Journal of evolutionary biology 24 (6), 1178-1187, 2011
Towards a unified theory of cooperative breeding: the role of ecology and life history re-examined
I Pen, FJ Weissing
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2000
The evolution of sex ratios and sex-determining systems
T Uller, I Pen, E Wapstra, LW Beukeboom, J Komdeur
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 22 (6), 292-297, 2007
Genomic conflict in scale insects: the causes and consequences of bizarre genetic systems
L Ross, I Pen, DM Shuker
Biological Reviews 85 (4), 807-828, 2010
The information value of non-genetic inheritance in plants and animals
S English, I Pen, N Shea, T Uller
PloS one 10 (1), e0116996, 2015
Sex ratios under asymmetrical local mate competition: theory and a test with parasitoid wasps
DM Shuker, I Pen, AB Duncan, SE Reece, SA West
The American Naturalist 166 (3), 301-316, 2005
Optimal sex allocation: steps towards a mechanistic theory
I Pen, FJ Weissing
Sex ratios: concepts and research methods, 26-45, 2002
Caribbean mangroves and seagrass beds as daytime feeding habitats for juvenile French grunts, Haemulon flavolineatum
MC Verweij, I Nagelkerken, SLJ Wartenbergh, IR Pen, G van der Velde
Marine Biology 149, 1291-1299, 2006
Segregation distortion and the evolution of sex-determining mechanisms
M Kozielska, FJ Weissing, LW Beukeboom, I Pen
Heredity 104 (1), 100-112, 2010
Parental energy expenditure in relation to manipulated brood size in the European kestrel Falco tinnunculus
C Deerenberg, I Pen, C Dijkstra, BJ Arkies, GH Visser, S Daan
Zoology-Analysis of Complex Systems 99 (1), 39-48, 1995
Sex-ratio optimization with helpers at the nest
I Pen, FJ Weissing
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2000
When is incomplete epigenetic resetting in germ cells favoured by natural selection?
T Uller, S English, I Pen
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1811), 20150682, 2015
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Articles 1–20