Rita Latikka
Rita Latikka
Tampere University
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Cited by
Regulation and Trust: 3-Month Follow-up Study on COVID-19 Mortality in 25 European Countries
A Oksanen, M Kaakinen, R Latikka, I Savolainen, N Savela, A Koivula
JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 6 (2), e19218, 2020
Self-efficacy and acceptance of robots
R Latikka, T Turja, A Oksanen
Computers in Human Behavior 93, 157-163, 2019
Trust toward robots and artificial intelligence: An experimental approach to human–technology interactions online
A Oksanen, N Savela, R Latikka, A Koivula
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 568256, 2020
Older adults’ loneliness, social isolation, and physical information and communication technology in the era of ambient assisted living: A systematic literature review
R Latikka, R Rubio-Hernández, ES Lohan, J Rantala, F Nieto Fernández, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 23 (12), e28022, 2021
Loneliness and psychological distress before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: Relationships with social media identity bubbles
R Latikka, A Koivula, R Oksa, N Savela, A Oksanen
Social Science & Medicine 293, 114674, 2022
Artificial intelligence in fine arts: A systematic review of empirical research
A Oksanen, A Cvetkovic, N Akin, R Latikka, J Bergdahl, Y Chen, N Savela
Computers in Human Behavior: Artificial Humans, 100004, 2023
Self-determination and attitudes toward artificial intelligence: Cross-national and longitudinal perspectives
J Bergdahl, R Latikka, M Celuch, I Savolainen, ES Mantere, N Savela, ...
Telematics and Informatics 82, 102013, 2023
Hate and harassment in academia: the rising concern of the online environment
A Oksanen, M Celuch, R Latikka, R Oksa, N Savela
Higher Education 84 (3), 541-567, 2022
Attitudes toward robots as equipment and coworkers and the impact of robot autonomy level
R Latikka, N Savela, A Koivula, A Oksanen
International Journal of Social Robotics 13 (7), 1747-1759, 2021
Media effects on the perceptions of robots
N Savela, T Turja, R Latikka, A Oksanen
Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies 3 (5), 989-1003, 2021
AI as an Artist? A Two-Wave Survey Study on Attitudes Toward Using Artificial Intelligence in Art
R Latikka, J Bergdahl, N Savela, A Oksanen
Poetics 101, 101839, 2023
Managing Perceived Loneliness and Social-Isolation Levels for Older Adults: A Survey with Focus on Wearables-Based Solutions
A Site, ES Lohan, O Jolanki, O Valkama, RR Hernandez, R Latikka, ...
Sensors 22 (3), 1108, 2022
Sosiaalinen media työelämässä: hyvinvoinnin ulottuvuuksia
A Oksanen, R Oksa, M Kaakinen, N Savela, R Latikka, N Ellonen
Tampereen yliopisto, 2020
Individual factors predicting reactions to online harassment among Finnish professionals
M Celuch, N Savela, R Oksa, R Latikka, A Oksanen
Computers in Human Behavior 127, 107022, 2022
Online harassment and hate among media professionals: Reactions to one’s own and others’ victimization
M Celuch, R Latikka, R Oksa, A Oksanen
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 100 (3), 619-645, 2023
Affective Attitudes Toward Robots at Work: A Population-Wide Four-Wave Survey Study
N Savela, R Latikka, R Oksa, S Kortelainen, A Oksanen
International Journal of Social Robotics 14 (6), 1379-1395, 2022
Advancing residents’ use of shared spaces in Nordic superblocks with intelligent technologies
J Makkonen, R Latikka, L Kaukonen, M Laine, K Väänänen
AI & society 38 (3), 1167-1184, 2023
Combating loneliness: The role of neighbourhood ICT, environmental attractiveness, and a sense of belonging to a local community
R Latikka, N Savela, R Rubio‐Hernández, A Koivula, J Makkonen, ...
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 33 (5), 1061-1077, 2023
Sosiaalisten viestintäteknologioiden käyttö korona-ajan työelämässä
R Oksa, R Latikka, N Savela, A Oksanen
Koronapandemia, työ ja yhteiskunta: Muuttuiko Suomi?, 52-66, 2023
Longitudinal development of well‐being among Finnish employees during 2019–2021: Relationships with personality trait profiles
R Oksa, A Mäkikangas, N Savela, R Latikka, A Oksanen
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 64 (2), 179-193, 2023
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Articles 1–20