Haiyong(Planck) Huang
Haiyong(Planck) Huang
University of Toronto Scarborough
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Cited by
A high-precision passive air sampler for gaseous mercury
DS McLagan, CPJ Mitchell, H Huang, YD Lei, AS Cole, A Steffen, H Hung, ...
Environmental Science & Technology Letters 3 (1), 24-29, 2016
Global evaluation and calibration of a passive air sampler for gaseous mercury
DS McLagan, CPJ Mitchell, A Steffen, H Hung, C Shin, GW Stupple, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18 (8), 5905-5919, 2018
Characterization and quantification of atmospheric mercury sources using passive air samplers
DS McLagan, F Monaci, H Huang, YD Lei, CPJ Mitchell, F Wania
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124 (4), 2351-2362, 2019
The effects of meteorological parameters and diffusive barrier reuse on the sampling rate of a passive air sampler for gaseous mercury
DS McLagan, CPJ Mitchell, H Huang, B Abdul Hussain, YD Lei, F Wania
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 10 (10), 3651-3660, 2017
Identifying and evaluating urban mercury emission sources through passive sampler-based mapping of atmospheric concentrations
DS McLagan, BA Hussain, H Huang, YD Lei, F Wania, CPJ Mitchell
Environmental Research Letters 13 (7), 074008, 2018
Application of sodium carbonate prevents sulphur poisoning of catalysts in automated total mercury analysis
DS McLagan, H Huang, YD Lei, F Wania, CPJ Mitchell
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 133, 60-62, 2017
Effects of preparation on nutrient and environmental contaminant levels in Arctic beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) traditional foods
MJ Binnington, YD Lei, L Pokiak, J Pokiak, SK Ostertag, LL Loseto, ...
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 19 (8), 1000-1015, 2017
Spatial and seasonal patterns of mercury concentrations, methylation and demethylation in central Canadian boreal soils and stream sediment
H Huang, CPJ Mitchell
Science of the Total Environment 891, 164447, 2023
Mercury methylation and methylmercury demethylation in boreal lake sediment with legacy sulphate pollution
H Huang, V Mangal, MD Rennie, H Tong, MJ Simpson, CPJ Mitchell
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 24 (6), 932-944, 2022
Molecular correlations of dissolved organic matter with inorganic mercury and methylmercury in Canadian boreal streams
V Mangal, WY Lam, H Huang, EJS Emilson, RW Mackereth, CPJ Mitchell
Biogeochemistry 160 (1), 127-144, 2022
The relative importance of mercury methylation and demethylation in rice paddy soil varies depending on the presence of rice plants
RJ Strickman, S Larson, H Huang, E Kakouros, M Marvin-DiPasquale, ...
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 230, 113143, 2022
Impacts of forest harvesting on mercury concentrations and methylmercury production in boreal forest soils and stream sediment
H Huang, RW Mackereth, CPJ Mitchell
Environmental Pollution 341, 122966, 2024
Water chemistry data for a forest clearcutting and residual biomass removal study at the Marcell Experimental Forest
CPR McCarter, SD Sebestyen, SL Eggert, KM Haynes, HP Huang, ...
Soil and invertebrate chemistry data for a forest clearcutting and residual biomass removal study at the Marcell Experimental Forest
CPR McCarter, SD Sebestyen, SL Eggert, HP Huang, RK Kolka, ...
The molecular composition of water extractable organic matter and cotransport of mercury to boreal streams
V Mangal, H Huang, C Mitchell
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, B45N-1788, 2021
Mercury Methylation and Methylmercury Demethylation in Boreal Soils and Sediment–Anthropogenic Impacts
H Huang
University of Toronto (Canada), 2024
Impacts of forest harvesting on mercury concentration, methylation and demethylation in soils and sediment in Canadian boreal forests
H Huang, C Mitchell
EGU23, 2023
Stream sediment methylmercury as a dominant source to stream water loading in small, boreal forest catchments
CPJ Mitchell, V Mangal, HP Huang, WY Lam, E Emilson, R Mackereth
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, B13E-05, 2022
Characterization and quantification of atmospheric mercury sources using passive air samplers. Case study: Abbadia San Salvatore Mercury Mine
DS McLagan, F Monaci, H Huang, YD Lei, CPJ Mitchell, F Wania
A Passive Air Sampler for Precise, Spatially Distributed Atmospheric Gaseous …, 2018
Appendix B Supporting information for: Application of sodium carbonate prevents sulphur poisoning of catalysts in automated total mercury analysis.
DS McLagan, H Huang, YD Lei, F Wania, CPJ Mitchell
A Passive Air Sampler for Precise, Spatially Distributed Atmospheric Gaseous …, 2018
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Articles 1–20