Samantha Breslin
Samantha Breslin
Department of Anthropology & Centre for Social Data Science, University of Copenhagen
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Citeret af
Exploring nuanced gender perspectives within the HCI community
S Breslin, B Wadhwa
Proceedings of the 6th Indian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 45-54, 2014
Navigating equity work in engineering: Contradicting messages encountered by minority faculty
DA Chen, JA Mejia, S Breslin
Digital Creativity 30 (4), 329-344, 2019
Gender and Human‐Computer Interaction
S Breslin, B Wadhwa
The Wiley Handbook of Human Computer Interaction 1, 71-87, 2018
Research ethics for mobile sensing device use by vulnerable populations
S Breslin, M Shareck, D Fuller
Social Science & Medicine 232, 50-57, 2019
How We Tweet About Coronavirus, and Why: A Computational Anthropological Mapping of Political Attention on Danish Twitter during the COVID-19 Pandemic
SD Breslin, TR Enggaard, A Blok, T Gårdhus, MA Pedersen
Towards a gender HCI curriculum
S Breslin, B Wadhwa
Proceedings of the 33rd annual acm conference extended abstracts on human …, 2015
The making of computer scientists: rendering technical knowledge, gender, and entrepreneurialism in Singapore
S Breslin
Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2018
“Wherever I can work, I’ve got to go”: negotiating mobilities in the context of volatility in the Canadian construction industry
L Barber, S Breslin
Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work 30 …, 2020
EnGendering interaction design
S Breslin, B Wadhwa
2014 3rd International Conference on User Science and Engineering (i-USEr …, 2014
“Affective Publics” Performing Trust on Danish Twitter during the COVID-19 Lockdown
S Breslin, A Blok, TR Enggaard, T Gårdhus, MA Pedersen
Current Anthropology 63 (2), 211-218, 2022
01010000 01001100 01000001 01011001: Play Elements in Computer Programming.
S Breslin
American Journal of Play 5 (3), 357-382, 2013
Living with music: an ethnography of sessions in St. John's, Newfoundland
S Breslin
Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2011
Metaphors of change: Navigating a revolution in engineering education
S Breslin, MM Camacho
Engineering Studies 13 (1), 53-77, 2021
Design for the future: Analyzing the broader implications of electronic technologies in an introductory engineering class
S Breslin, B Przestrzelski, SM Lord
Frontiers in Education, 2020
Studying Gender While ‘Studying Up’: On Ethnography and Epistemological Hegemony
S Breslin
Anthropology in Action 29 (2), 1-10, 2022
Computing trust: on writing ‘good’code in computer science education
S Breslin
Journal of Cultural Economy 17 (6), 737-756, 2024
Back to Copenhagen: A Few Words from the New JBA Editors
KT Vangkilde, SD Breslin, S Lex
Journal of Business Anthropology 11 (2), 2022
The Anti-Politics of Women in Tech
S Breslin
The Castac Blog, 2015
Putting down roots: Playing Irish and Newfoundland Music in St. John's
S Breslin
Routes & Roots: Fiddle and Dance Studies from around the North Atlantic 4 …, 2012
Living with music: An ethnography of sessions in St
S Breslin
John's, Newfoundland (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Memorial …, 2011
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