Lauren J. Breen
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Cited by
The researcher ‘in the middle’: Negotiating the insider/outsider dichotomy
LJ Breen
Special Edition Papers 19 (1), 2007
Understanding individual resilience in the workplace: the international collaboration of workforce resilience model
CS Rees, LJ Breen, L Cusack, D Hegney
Frontiers in psychology 6, 2015
Who Needs Bereavement Support? A Population Based Survey of Bereavement Risk and Support Need
SM Aoun, LJ Breen, DA Howting, B Rumbold, B McNamara, D Hegney
PloS one 10 (3), 2015
The fundamental paradox in the grief literature: A critical reflection
LJ Breen, M O'Connor
OMEGA--Journal of Death and Dying 55 (3), 199-218, 2007
Family and social networks after bereavement: experiences of support, change and isolation
LJ Breen, M O'Connor
Journal of Family Therapy 33 (1), 98-120, 2011
What sources of bereavement support are perceived helpful by bereaved people and why? Empirical evidence for the compassionate communities approach
SM Aoun, LJ Breen, I White, B Rumbold, A Kellehear
Palliative medicine 32 (8), 1378-1388, 2018
A public health approach to bereavement support services in palliative care
SM Aoun, LJ Breen, M O'Connor, B Rumbold, C Nordstrom
Australian and New Zealand Journal of PublicHealth 36 (1), 14, 2012
Bereavement support for family caregivers: The gap between guidelines and practice in palliative care
SM Aoun, B Rumbold, D Howting, A Bolleter, LJ Breen
PloS one 12 (10), e0184750, 2017
Motor Neurone Disease family carers’ experiences of caring, palliative care and bereavement: An exploratory qualitative study
SM Aoun, SL Connors, L Priddis, LJ Breen, S Colyer
Palliative medicine 26 (6), 842-850, 2012
Moving beyond the enduring dominance of positivism in psychological research: Implications for psychology in Australia
LJ Breen, D Darlaston-Jones
Australian Psychologist 45 (1), 67-76, 2010
Grief literacy: A call to action for compassionate communities
LJ Breen, D Kawashima, K Joy, S Cadell, D Roth, A Chow, ...
Death studies 46 (2), 425-433, 2022
Exploring environmental factors in nursing workplaces that promote psychological resilience: Constructing a unified theoretical model
L Cusack, M Smith, D Hegney, CS Rees, LJ Breen, RR Witt, C Rogers, ...
Frontiers in psychology 7, 600, 2016
Reducing the incidence of plagiarism in an undergraduate course: The role of education
L Breen, M Maassen
Issues in Educational Research 15 (1), 1-16, 2005
What is the impact of shift work on the psychological functioning and resilience of nurses? An integrative review
M Tahghighi, CS Rees, JA Brown, LJ Breen, D Hegney
Journal of advanced nursing 73 (9), 2065-2083, 2017
Bridging the gaps in palliative care bereavement support: An international perspective
LJ Breen, SM Aoun, M O'Connor, B Rumbold
Death studies 38 (1), 54-61, 2014
Family caregivers’ preparations for death: a qualitative analysis
LJ Breen, SM Aoun, M O'Connor, D Howting, GKB Halkett
Journal of pain and symptom management 55 (6), 1473-1479, 2018
A phenomenological exploration of the childfree choice in a sample of Australian women
J Doyle, JA Pooley, L Breen
Journal of Health Psychology 18 (3), 397-407, 2013
A scoping review of bereavement risk assessment measures: Implications for palliative care
M Sealey, LJ Breen, M O’Connor, SM Aoun
Palliative medicine, 0269216315576262, 2015
Psychological Risk Factors of Functional Impairment After COVID-19 Deaths
LJ Breen, SA Lee, RA Neimeyer
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 61 (4), e1-e4, 2021
Perceptions of nursing workloads and contributing factors, and their impact on implicit care rationing: A Queensland, Australia study
DG Hegney, CS Rees, R Osseiran‐Moisson, L Breen, R Eley, C Windsor, ...
Journal of nursing management 27 (2), 371-380, 2019
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