R. James McKinlay
R. James McKinlay
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Cited by
Prediction of citation counts for clinical articles at two years using data available within three weeks of publication: retrospective cohort study
C Lokker, KA McKibbon, RJ McKinlay, NL Wilczynski, RB Haynes
Bmj 336 (7645), 655-657, 2008
A reanalysis of cluster randomized trials showed interrupted time-series studies were valuable in health system evaluation
A Fretheim, F Zhang, D Ross-Degnan, AD Oxman, H Cheyne, R Foy, ...
Journal of clinical epidemiology 68 (3), 324-333, 2015
Advanced practice nursing in Canada: overview of a decision support synthesis.
A DiCenso, R Martin-Misener, D Bryant-Lukosius, I Bourgeault, ...
Nursing Leadership (Toronto, Ont.) 23, 15-34, 2010
Second-order peer review of the medical literature for clinical practitioners
RB Haynes, C Cotoi, J Holland, L Walters, N Wilczynski, D Jedraszewski, ...
JAMA 295 (15), 1801-1808, 2006
McMaster PLUS: a cluster randomized clinical trial of an intervention to accelerate clinical use of evidence-based information from digital libraries
RB Haynes, J Holland, C Cotoi, RJ McKinlay, NL Wilczynski, LA Walters, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 13 (6), 593-600, 2006
Optimal search strategies for detecting cost and economic studies in EMBASE
RJ McKinlay, NL Wilczynski, RB Haynes, Hedges Team
BMC Health Services Research 6, 1-6, 2006
Nurse practitioner caseload in primary health care: scoping review
R Martin-Misener, K Kilpatrick, F Donald, D Bryant-Lukosius, J Rayner, ...
International journal of nursing studies 62, 170-182, 2016
Assessment of brominated flame retardants in a small mixed waste electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE) plastic recycling stream in the UK
WA Stubbings, MAE Abdallah, K Misiuta, U Onwuamaegbu, J Holland, ...
Science of the Total Environment 780, 146543, 2021
Which journals do primary care physicians and specialists access from an online service?
KA McKibbon, RB Haynes, RJ McKinlay, C Lokker
Journal of the Medical Library Association 95 (3), 246, 2007
Systematic reviews and original articles differ in relevance, novelty, and use in an evidence-based service for physicians: PLUS project
RJ McKinlay, C Cotoi, NL Wilczynski, RB Haynes, ...
Journal of clinical epidemiology 61 (5), 449-454, 2008
McMaster Premium Literature Service (PLUS) Project. Second-order peer review of the medical literature for clinical practitioners
RB Haynes, C Cotoi, J Holland, L Walters, N Wilczynski, D Jedraszewski, ...
JAMA 295 (15), 1801-1808, 2006
Benchmarking for nurse practitioner patient panel size and comparative analysis of nurse practitioner pay scales: update of a scoping review
R Martin-Misener, F Donald, K Kilpatrick, D Bryant-Lukosius, J Rayner, ...
Hamilton, ON: McMaster University, 2015
Resources to facilitate research in advanced practice nursing
R Charbonneau-Smith, RJ McKinlay, JU Vohra
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research 42 (2), 105-111, 2010
Happenings/L'événement-Resources to Facilitate Research in Advanced Practice Nursing
R Charbonneau-Smith, RJ McKinlay, JU Vohra
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research Archive, 105-112, 2010
Articles in Forthcoming Issues
KA McKibbon, RB Haynes, RJ McKinlay, C Lokker, M Kronenfeld, ...
J Med Libr Assoc 95 (2), 227, 2007
Prediction of citation counts for clinical articles
RB Haynes, C Lokker, KA McKibbon, RJ McKinlay, NL Wilczynski
JESSICA S. ANCKER, YALINI SENATHIRAJAH, RITA KUKAFKA, JUSTIN B. STARREN 619 Technical Brief Use and Perceived Benefits of Handheld Computer-based Clinical References. JEFFREY M …
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