Eileen Fischer
Eileen Fischer
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Cited by
How does brand-related user-generated content differ across YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter?
AN Smith, E Fischer, C Yongjian
Journal of interactive marketing 26 (2), 102-113, 2012
The influence of the management team's international experience on the internationalization behaviors of SMEs
AR Reuber, E Fischer
Journal of international business studies 28, 807-825, 1997
A theoretical overview and extension of research on sex, gender, and entrepreneurship
EM Fischer, AR Reuber, LS Dyke
Journal of business venturing 8 (2), 151-168, 1993
Social interaction via new social media:(How) can interactions on Twitter affect effectual thinking and behavior?
E Fischer, AR Reuber
Journal of business venturing 26 (1), 1-18, 2011
More than a labor of love: Gender roles and Christmas gift shopping
E Fischer, SJ Arnold
Journal of consumer research 17 (3), 333-345, 1990
Frustrated fatshionistas: An institutional theory perspective on consumer quests for greater choice in mainstream markets
D Scaraboto, E Fischer
Journal of Consumer Research 39 (6), 1234-1257, 2013
Hermeneutics and consumer research
SJ Arnold, E Fischer
Journal of consumer research 21 (1), 55-70, 1994
Qualitative consumer and marketing research
RW Belk, R Kozinets, E Fischer
SAGE Publications Ltd, 2012
Feminist thought: Implications for consumer research
JM Bristor, E Fischer
Journal of consumer research 19 (4), 518-536, 1993
Sex, gender identity, gender role attitudes, and consumer behavior
E Fischer, SJ Arnold
Psychology & Marketing 11 (2), 163-182, 1994
Understanding the consequences of founders' experience
AR Reuber, E Fischer
Journal of Small Business Management 37 (2), 30, 1999
An examination of the effects of activating persuasion knowledge on consumer response to brands engaging in covert marketing
ML Wei, E Fischer, KJ Main
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 27 (1), 34-44, 2008
Refashioning a field? Connected consumers and institutional dynamics in markets
PY Dolbec, E Fischer
Journal of Consumer Research 41 (6), 1447-1468, 2015
The good, the bad, and the unfamiliar: The challenges of reputation formation facing new firms
E Fischer, R Reuber
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 31 (1), 53-75, 2007
Support for rapid‐growth firms: a comparison of the views of founders, government policymakers, and private sector resource providers
E Fischer, AR Reuber
Journal of small business management 41 (4), 346-365, 2003
An inter-industry examination of the impact of owner experience on firm performance
LS Dyke, EM Fischer, AR Reuber
Journal of small business management 30 (4), 72, 1992
International entrepreneurship in internet-enabled markets
AR Reuber, E Fischer
Journal of Business venturing 26 (6), 660-679, 2011
Things fall apart: The dynamics of brand audience dissipation
MA Parmentier, E Fischer
Journal of Consumer Research 41 (5), 1228-1251, 2015
Positioning person brands in established organizational fields
MA Parmentier, E Fischer, AR Reuber
Journal of the academy of marketing science 41, 373-387, 2013
Online entrepreneurial communication: Mitigating uncertainty and increasing differentiation via Twitter
E Fischer, AR Reuber
Journal of Business Venturing 29 (4), 565-583, 2014
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Articles 1–20