Laurent P. René de Cotret
Cited by
Cited by
How optical excitation controls the structure and properties of vanadium dioxide
MR Otto, LP René de Cotret, DA Valverde-Chavez, KL Tiwari, N Émond, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (2), 450-455, 2019
Mapping momentum-dependent electron-phonon coupling and nonequilibrium phonon dynamics with ultrafast electron diffuse scattering
MJ Stern, LP René de Cotret, MR Otto, RP Chatelain, JP Boisvert, ...
Physical Review B 97 (16), 165416, 2018
Solving the jitter problem in microwave compressed ultrafast electron diffraction instruments: Robust sub-50 fs cavity-laser phase stabilization
MR Otto, LP René de Cotret, MJ Stern, BJ Siwick
Structural Dynamics 4 (5), 2017
Mechanisms of electron-phonon coupling unraveled in momentum and time: The case of soft phonons in TiSe2
MR Otto, JH Pöhls, LP René de Cotret, MJ Stern, M Sutton, BJ Siwick
Science Advances 7 (20), eabf2810, 2021
Time-and momentum-resolved phonon population dynamics with ultrafast electron diffuse scattering
LP René de Cotret, JH Pöhls, MJ Stern, MR Otto, M Sutton, BJ Siwick
Physical Review B 100 (21), 214115, 2019
Direct visualization of polaron formation in the thermoelectric SnSe
LP René de Cotret, MR Otto, JH Pöhls, Z Luo, MG Kanatzidis, BJ Siwick
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (3), e2113967119, 2022
Direct View of Phonon Dynamics in Atomically Thin MoS2
TL Britt, Q Li, LP René de Cotret, N Olsen, M Otto, SA Hassan, ...
Nano Letters 22 (12), 4718-4724, 2022
Extreme lightwave electron field emission from a nanotip
D Matte, N Chamanara, L Gingras, LPR de Cotret, TL Britt, BJ Siwick, ...
Physical Review Research 3 (1), 013137, 2021
An open-source software ecosystem for the interactive exploration of ultrafast electron scattering data
LP René de Cotret, MR Otto, MJ Stern, BJ Siwick
Advanced Structural and Chemical Imaging 4, 1-11, 2018
A general method for baseline-removal in ultrafast electron powder diffraction data using the dual-tree complex wavelet transform
LP René de Cotret, BJ Siwick
Structural Dynamics 4 (4), 2017
Ultrafast signatures of exciton-phonon coupling in TiSe2
MR Otto, JH Pöhls, LPR de Cotret, MJ Stern, M Sutton, BJ Siwick
Preprint at https://arxiv. org/abs/1912.03559, 2019
From carrier cooling to polaron formation: Ultrafast phonon dynamics across the Brillouin zone
LPR de Cotret
McGill University (Canada), 2021
From carrier cooling to polaron formation: ultrafast phonon dynamics across the Brillouin zone
L René de Cotret
McGill University, 2022
Ultrafast Electron Scattering: Femtosecond Electron Pulses in Materials Research
LPR de Cotret, MR Otto, JH Pohls, T Britt, MJ Stern, M Sutton, BJ Siwick
2021 34th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC), 1-2, 2021
Origins of Charge-Density Waves in Niobium Diselenide and Tantalum Disulfide using Ultrafast Electron Diffuse Scattering
JH Pöhls, M Sandor, M Otto, L René de Cotret, M Sutton, B Siwick
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 65, 2020
Unraveling Momentum-Dependent Electron-Phonon Coupling and its Role in the Origin of Charge Density Wave Phases
B Siwick, M Otto, JH Pöhls, L René de Cotret, M Sutton
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 65, 2020
Time-and momentum-resolved phonon spectroscopy with ultrafast electron diffuse scattering
LP René de Cotret, JH Pöhls, MJ Stern, MR Otto, M Sutton, BJ Siwick
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.02795, 2019
Robust sub-50 fs cavity-laser phase stabilization for ultra-fast electron diffraction instruments
MR Otto, LPR de Cotret, MJ Stern, BJ Siwick
EPJ Web of Conferences 205, 08015, 2019
New data analysis and visualization methods for ultrafast electron diffraction
L René de Cotret
McGill University, 2017
New Data Analysis and Visualization Methods for Ultrafast Electron Diffraction
LPR de Cotret
McGill University (Canada), 2016
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Articles 1–20