Dr Laura Roche
Dr Laura Roche
Senior Lecturer in Special and Inclusive Education, The University of Newcastle
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Research priorities of the autism community: A systematic review of key stakeholder perspectives
L Roche, D Adams, M Clark
Autism 25 (2), 336-348, 2021
Teaching two boys with autism spectrum disorders to request the continuation of toy play using an iPad®-based speech-generating device
J Sigafoos, GE Lancioni, MF O’Reilly, D Achmadi, M Stevens, L Roche, ...
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 7 (8), 923-930, 2013
Three children with autism spectrum disorder learn to perform a three-step communication sequence using an iPad®-based speech-generating device
H Waddington, J Sigafoos, GE Lancioni, MF O’Reilly, L Van der Meer, ...
International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 39, 59-67, 2014
Teaching multi-step requesting and social communication to two children with autism spectrum disorders with three AAC options
L van der Meer, D Kagohara, L Roche, D Sutherland, S Balandin, ...
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 29 (3), 222-234, 2013
A novel way to measure and predict development: A heuristic approach to facilitate the early detection of neurodevelopmental disorders
PB Marschik, FB Pokorny, R Peharz, D Zhang, J O’Muircheartaigh, ...
Current neurology and neuroscience reports 17, 1-15, 2017
Microswitch technology for enabling self-determined responding in children with profound and multiple disabilities: A systematic review
L Roche, J Sigafoos, GE Lancioni, MF O’Reilly, VA Green
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 31 (3), 246-258, 2015
An iPad-based intervention for teaching picture and word matching to a student with ASD and severe communication impairment
L Van der Meer, D Achmadi, M Cooijmans, R Didden, GE Lancioni, ...
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 27, 67-78, 2015
An evaluation of speech production in two boys with neurodevelopmental disorders who received communication intervention with a speech-generating device
L Roche, J Sigafoos, GE Lancioni, MF O’Reilly, RW Schlosser, M Stevens, ...
International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 38, 10-16, 2014
The use of individualized video modeling to enhance positive peer interactions in three preschool children
VA Green, T Prior, E Smart, T Boelema, H Drysdale, S Harcourt, L Roche, ...
Education and Treatment of Children 40 (3), 353-378, 2017
Early vocal development in autism spectrum disorder, Rett syndrome, and fragile X syndrome: Insights from studies using retrospective video analysis
L Roche, D Zhang, KD Bartl-Pokorny, FB Pokorny, BW Schuller, ...
Advances in neurodevelopmental disorders 2, 49-61, 2018
Tangible symbols as an AAC option for individuals with developmental disabilities: A systematic review of intervention studies
L Roche, J Sigafoos, GE Lancioni, MF O’Reilly, VA Green, D Sutherland, ...
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 30 (1), 28-39, 2014
Response to name and its value for the early detection of developmental disorders: Insights from autism spectrum disorder, Rett syndrome, and fragile X syndrome. A perspectives …
D Zhang, L Roche, KD Bartl-Pokorny, M Krieber, L McLay, S Bölte, ...
Research in Developmental Disabilities 82, 95-108, 2018
Persistence of primitive reflexes in developmental disorders
J Sigafoos, L Roche, MF O’Reilly, GE Lancioni
Current Developmental Disorders Reports 8, 98-105, 2021
Augmentative and alternative communication intervention for people with Angelman syndrome: A systematic review
L Roche, J Sigafoos, D Trembath
Current Developmental Disorders Reports 7, 28-34, 2020
Systematic review of the effectiveness of behaviorally-based interventions for sleep problems in people with rare genetic neurodevelopmental disorders
L McLay, L Roche, KG France, NM Blampied, R Lang, M France, C Busch
Sleep Medicine Reviews 46, 54-63, 2019
Challenges in providing AAC intervention to people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities
J Sigafoos, L Roche, K Tait
Augmentative and alternative communication: Challenges and solutions, 229-252, 2021
Updated systematic-narrative review on communication intervention in Rett Syndrome: 2010–2022
J Sigafoos, L Roche, MF O’Reilly, GE Lancioni, PB Marschik
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 39 (4), 241-255, 2023
Comparing tangible symbols, picture exchange, and a direct selection response for enabling two boys with developmental disabilities to access preferred stimuli
L Roche, J Sigafoos, GE Lancioni, MF O’Reilly, L van der Meer, ...
Journal of developmental and physical disabilities 26, 249-261, 2014
Teaching two children with autism spectrum disorder to use a speech-generating device
J Sigafoos, L Roche, M Stevens, H Waddington, A Carnett, ...
Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 5 (1 …, 2018
Parent perceptions, beliefs, and fears around genetic treatments and cures for children with Angelman syndrome
D Adams, L Roche, H Heussler
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 182 (7), 1716-1724, 2020
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Articles 1–20