Kimberly Chiew
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Cited by
Mechanisms of motivation–cognition interaction: challenges and opportunities
TS Braver, MK Krug, KS Chiew, W Kool, JA Westbrook, NJ Clement, ...
Cognitive, affective, & behavioral neuroscience 14, 443-472, 2014
Positive affect versus reward: emotional and motivational influences on cognitive control
KS Chiew, TS Braver
Frontiers in psychology 2, 279, 2011
Side effects associated with the use of dexamethasone for prophylaxis of delayed emesis after moderately emetogenic chemotherapy
J Vardy, KS Chiew, J Galica, GR Pond, IF Tannock
British journal of cancer 94 (7), 1011-1015, 2006
Temporal dynamics of motivation-cognitive control interactions revealed by high-resolution pupillometry
KS Chiew, TS Braver
Frontiers in psychology 4, 15, 2013
Dissociable influences of reward motivation and positive emotion on cognitive control
KS Chiew, TS Braver
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 14, 509-529, 2014
A neural mechanism underlying memory failure in older adults
WD Stevens, L Hasher, KS Chiew, CL Grady
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (48), 12820-12824, 2008
Enhancement of cognitive control by approach and avoidance motivational states
AC Savine, SM Beck, BG Edwards, KS Chiew, TS Braver
Cognition and Emotion 24 (2), 338-356, 2010
Reward favors the prepared: Incentive and task-informative cues interact to enhance attentional control.
KS Chiew, TS Braver
Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance 42 (1), 52, 2016
Age-related differences in brain activity underlying identification of emotional expressions in faces
ML Keightley, KS Chiew, G Winocur, CL Grady
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 2 (4), 292-302, 2007
Neural correlates of recognition memory for emotional faces and scenes
ML Keightley, KS Chiew, JAE Anderson, CL Grady
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 6 (1), 24-37, 2011
Context processing and control in the human brain: from gating models to dual mechanisms
KS Chiew, TS Braver
The Wiley Handbook of Cognitive Control, 2017
A new perspective on human reward research: How consciously and unconsciously perceived reward information influences performance
CM Zedelius, H Veling, R Custers, E Bijleveld, KS Chiew, H Aarts
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 14, 493-508, 2014
Development and evaluation of a decision aid for patients considering first‐line chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer
KS Chiew, H Shepherd, J Vardy, MHN Tattersall, PN Butow, NB Leighl
Health expectations 11 (1), 35-45, 2008
Neural circuitry of emotional and cognitive conflict revealed through facial expressions
KS Chiew, TS Braver
PloS one 6 (3), e17635, 2011
Proactive versus reactive emotion regulation: A dual-mechanisms perspective.
B Martins-Klein, LA Alves, KS Chiew
Emotion 20 (1), 87, 2020
Expected reward value and reward uncertainty have temporally dissociable effects on memory formation
JK Stanek, KC Dickerson, KS Chiew, NJ Clement, RA Adcock
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 31 (10), 1443-1454, 2019
Reward anticipation dynamics during cognitive control and episodic encoding: Implications for dopamine
KS Chiew, JK Stanek, RA Adcock
Frontiers in human neuroscience 10, 555, 2016
Revisiting positive affect and reward influences on cognitive control
KS Chiew
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 39, 27-33, 2021
Remembering Election Night 2016: Subjective but not objective metrics of autobiographical memory vary with political affiliation, affective valence, and surprise.
KS Chiew, BB Harris, RA Adcock
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2021
Motivated memory: Integrating cognitive and affective neuroscience.
KS Chiew, RA Adcock
Cambridge University Press, 2019
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Articles 1–20